Morvold Press | Jeff Todd
Freelance Artist of RPG Maps & Content
Church of Aelor & Graveyard [140 x 70]
Lost Tomb of Khaem [21 x 14]
Oozing Temple | Out of the Abyss [50 x 50]
Town of Triboar [200 x 240]
Kobold Dragon Wagon | Vehicle
2nd Floor & Ramparts of Seatower of Balduran
Coldsteel Citadel | Dungeon from 2E Module (Paladin in Hell)
Dungeon - Seatower of Balduran
Seatower of Balduran [90 x 110]
Raider's Camp | Hoard of the Dragon Queen [160 x 120]
Swamp Ruins - Xak Tsaroth (Dragonlance)
Briny Maze | Shattered Obelisk [70 x 90]
Goblin Ambush | LMoP & Random Encounters [50 x 40]
Watermill | Phandalin Buildings
Illithinoc | Mind Flayer Dungeon - Shattered Obelisk
Wyvern Tor | Lost Mine of Phandelver [74 x 90]
Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth | Greater Cavern [70 x 90]
Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth | Lesser Cavern [70 x 90]
Gibbet's Crossing | Shattered Obelisk [70 x 95]
Crypt of the Tallhund [50 x 35]
Coastal Village [80 x 100]
Village of Parnast | HotDQ [68 x 84]
Zorzula's Rest - Level 1 & 2 | Shattered Obelisk [70 x 50]
Vallaki Village | North - Curse of Strahd [180 x 130]
Hunting Lodge - 3 Levels | HotDQ [45 x 38]
Castle Naerytar Dungeon [84 x 54]
Castle Naerytar | HotDQ [130 x 90]
Feywild Village & the Great Tree [80 x 52]
Wachterhaus Mansion - 1st Floor, 2nd Floor, Basement | CoS [50 x 40]
Canyon of the Lost Tomb [80 x 100]
Carnath Roadhouse | HotDQ [36 x 36]
Greenest in Flame | HotDQ [200 x 150]
Small Town Estate & 2nd Floor | Greenest [36 x 28]
Blue Water Inn & 2nd Floor | Vallaki [40 x 36]
Goblin Camp | Shattered Obelisk [22 x 28]
Haunted House | Ghosts of Saltmarsh [36 x 43]
Deadstone Cleft | Stone Giant Lair [170 x 220]
Dragon Hatchery | HotDQ [65 x 45]
Greenest Keep | 4 Floors
Fjord Coast & Smuggler's Cave [80 x 120]
Town of Greenest [200 x 150]
Griffon Riders of Thale | Dwarven Outpost [120 x 90]
Brimstone Hold | KftGV [170 x 120]
Curse of Strahd | Central Vallaki - Blue Water Inn, Blinsky's Toys & Town Square
Death House | Curse of Strahd
Xeluan's Tomb | Keys from the Golden Vault [80 x 110]
Mountain Village | Oztocan [160 x 120]
Warships | Icingdeath & Twinkle
Heavy Transport Wagon | Heists, Mobile HQ, Escort Mission
Curse of Strahd | Burgomaster's Mansion & Vallaki Village [120 x 110]
Tortoise | Mobile Goblin Home [76 x 60]
Elder Tree Forest & Lair [120 x 100]
Maelstrom - Storm Giant Lair from SKT [130 x 110]
Halfling Village of Brill [UPDATED] - [112 x 80]
Winterwood | Random Forest Maps
Curse of Strahd | Church of St. Andral & Western Vallaki Village
Lyn Armaal - 3rd-6th Floors | Cloud Giant Castle
Lyn Armaal - 1st & 2nd Floor | Cloud Giant Castle
House of the Wayward Soul [72 x 100]
Broken Stone Oasis | Random Encounter [100 x 52]
Forest Gorge | Random Encounter [90 x 120]
River Barge
Temple of the Draconian Seer [100 x 100]
Green Dragon Caves | Lair [120 x 80]
Skull Island | Skullport [120 x 120]
Kingmaker | Stag Lord's Fort [120 x 80]
The 'Evening Gale' | 4-Level Frigate Sailing Ship
Kingmaker | Oleg's Trading Outpost [120 x 80]
Songhaven Academy & Artisan District [120 x 110]
Leilon Point [160 x 102]
Deathknight Dreadnaught Ship Tokens
Deathknight Dreadnaught Coastal Enounter near Tower of Storms [134 x 170]
Whistlebay Harbor | Port & Quest Hub/Starting Town [160 x 120]
Enchanted Estate | PC Headquarters [72 x 58]
Sunken Temple of Uvelle [70 x 90]
Ruins of Ghol | Lizardfolk Camp & Ziggurat [100 x 120]
City Trade District (i.e. Waterdeep, Neverwinter, etc...)
Slave Mines of Ulaang [100 x 120]
Restored Cragmaw Castle & Lower Level [88 x 64]
Battlemap | Svardborg Frost Giant Lair [180 x 224]
Riverton Hollow | Starting Campaign Village [120 x 112]
Revised Mage School of Hydromancy [70 x 64]
Eye of the All Father | Storm King's Thunder [280 x 280]
Battlemap | Bryn Shander Town Center | Icewind Dale [100 x 150]
Battlemap | City Fairgrounds & Exhibits [84 x 100]
Walls of Bryn Shander | Icewind Dale [144 x 96]
Battle Map | Dwarven Prison Dungeon [80 x 120]
Battle Map | Iniarv's Ruined Tower [130 x 110]
Green Dragon Lair from SDW [140 x 70]
Battle Map | The Boulderlands - Mountain/Hill Random Encounters!
Battle Map | Restored Woodland Manse (Wizard's Estate)
Battlemap Assets | Dinosaur Siege Mounts (Part 2)
Battlemap | Restored Village of Conyberry | Phases 1-4 [94 x 83]
Battle Map | Thornhold - Dwarven Fortress
Battle Map | Blackstone Keep - 1st & 2nd Floors [130 x 100]
Battle Map | Drow Prison of Velkynvelve [120 x 120]
Battle Map | Restored House of Thalivar - 5 Floors [72 x 56]
Battle Map | The Ember Grove [80 x 100]
Temple of the Arcane Flame [80 x 100]
The 'Star Sweeper" | Spelljammer Vessel [4-Level Ship]
Mere of the Dead Men | Swamplands!
Attack on High Bridge [70 x 90]
Oasis of Selu, the Sapphire Eye [240 x 160]
Dungeon Forge of Ironslag [164 x 130]
Wayside Inn & Cellar [70 x 90]
Dinosaur Siege Mounts! (Brontosaurus, Stegosaurus, T-Rex, Triceratops & Pterodactyl)
Temple of Restoration [110 x 130]
Restored Conyberry Village | Phase 1 [94 x 66]
Grudd Haug - Hill Giant Fort | Storm King's Thunder [180 x 90]
Desert - Flash Flood Phased Battlemap [240 x 160]
Large-Scale Map in Foundry VTT & Roll20 Free [Bandit Camp - 240 x 160]
House of Thalivar | Storm Lord's Wrath [70 x 56]
Harvesthome Abbey | Goldenfields [80 x 100]
Harelquin's Haven - Rotating Dungeon [102 x 102]
Sunken City & Kraken Lair [72 x 96]
Neverwinter Bandit Camp [240 x 160]
White Dragon Lair & Ice Lake [50 x 90]
Restored Icespire Hold [106 x 80]
Calhun Farm & Fields [140 x 48]
Restored Redbrand Hideout | LMoP [32 x 20]
Tower of Zephyros | 1st Floor | 2nd Floor | 3rd Floor
Dripping Caves [120 x 90]
Pit Fighting Tavern | God's Revel Inn [45 x 45]
Merchant Outpost | North [80 x 96]
Released Module | Lair of the Black Spider [PG1, PG2]
Merchant Outpost | South [72 x 96]
Bronze Shrine | Dragon Lair [62 x 45]
Random Encounter Maps for Forest Roads (Bridge, Boulders, Hills)
Adventurers Playing M&M (Money & Managers) on a Battlemap of The Office
Red Dragon Lair & Dwarven Dungeon [80 x 160]
Blackwell Manor Lower Level [42 x 50]
Gargantuan Maggot Lair [70 x 90]
Forest Pass with Waterfall [70 x 90]
Wildhill Inn | Dwarven Family Brewery [72 x 48]
Forest Ravine Map & Modular Cave Asset - [80 x 100]
Seaside Road Random Encounter [40 x 40]
Neverwinter Wood - Square 2 (Part 3 & 4) - [160 x 160]
Kobold Lair of Myrkdurn [120 x 120]
Rebuilt, Walled & Expanded Phandalin Town Map [60 x 40] - [Summer/Winter]
Player Headquarters in Port Village | Leilon [35 x 24]
Winn's Hollow Tavern [v2] - Halfing Owned Tavern [60 x 44]
Dwarven Tinker City | Lower (Royal) Level [90 x 100]
Dwarven Tinker City | Mid (Elevator) Level [90 x 100]
Dwarven Tinker City | Main Level [90 x 100]
Dwarven Barrel Wagon | Mobile Tavern! [3 Levels]
Fishery & Docks | Leilon [35 x 24] - [Day/Night]
Neverwinter Wood - Part 2 [80 x 160]
Neverwinter Wood - Part 1 [80 x 160]
Church of Lethander | Leilon [35 x 24] - [Day/Night]
Aubrey's Peculiarities Shoppe [35 x 24] - [Day/Night]
Ruined Village of Leilon [120 x 130]
Sprawling Tribal Canyon [120 x 110]
Port Village of Leilon [120 x 130]
Temple of Knowledge | Living Dungeon [82 x 120]
PC Adventure Wagon/Headquarters
DoIP Map | Mountain's Toe Gold Mine [70 x 45]
Pumpkin Patch Road [35 x 24]
DoIP Map | Shrine of Savras [55 x 55]
Vampire Castle of the Evening Mists [90 x 130] & [80 x 80]
Wilted Rose Estate [40 x 30]
Dragon Barrow [55 x 45] & Catacombs [35 x 31] | DoIP Map
Tower of Storms | DoIP Map [67 x 45]
Lair of the Green Wyrm [62 x 82]
Old Elven Village [45 x 65]
Mountain Pass w/ Dungeon Entry [35 x 50]
The Old Swamp Trail [45 x 60]
DoIP Map | Icespire Hold - 1st Floor | 2nd Floor | Undercroft
Rough Ride Tavern [35 x 24]
Drow Stronghold - 1st & 2nd Floors [28 x 40]
Meadwagon Tavern & City Streets [1st & 2nd Floors]
Falcon's Hunting Lodge [from Dragon of Icespire Peak]
Battlemap | Dungeon of the Dwarven Forge Lords [50 x 100]
Town of Phandalin (from Lost Mine of Phandelver)
Axeholm [42 x 43] - from Dragon of Icespire Peak
Blackwell Manor - Ravenloft Inspired Noble Estate [42 x 50]
The "Bent Coin" Brothel & Surrounding City [45 x 45]
Random Encounter | Dense Forest Path
The Ivorium Mage Tower
Isle of Velkarta - Fort of the Pirate King/Queen
Dwarven Kingdom of Mhalduun [46 x 44]
Red Wyrm Village (Orcs) [40 x 40]
The Shielded City of V'run
Castle Never of Neverwinter
Crawgmaw Castle - Restored as Player HQ!
LMoP | Cragmaw Castle (Ruined)
Lair of the Mind Flayer [Flair?] - [45 x 45] - Patterned after Octopus Brain
Holiday Elven Village
Massive Castle | The Iron Keep [based loosely on Harlech Castle in Wales]
Slaver's Auction House & Sinister Lower Level [35 x 24]
Battle Map | Drow Stronghold (Tanor'Thal Refuge of Skullport)
Pirate Port on the Isle of Velkarta
Battle Map | LMoP - Ruined Tresendar Manor
Battle Map | Halloween - Pumpkin Patch Graveyard
Battle Map | Halloween Themed Noble Estate and Lower Level
Battle Map | Lair of the White Wyrm (White Dragon)
Wyrmspine Tavern | Battle Map
Battle Map | Temple of Light
Lox Brothers Mill and Farm
Battle Map | River Bandit Outpost
LMoP Encounter Map | Wyvern Tor
Elven Noble Estate
Tribal Village in Cliff Pass
Den of the Swamp Witch
The "Long Rest" Inn & Tavern
Elven Roadside Tavern - The "Elder Tree" Inn
Cliffside Mage College | Battle Map
Riverton Hollow - Adventure Starting City
Keep at Devil's Craw
Riverton Hollow
Oasis of Adventure
Player Character Headquarters [35 x 24]
The "Brimstone" Tavern
Battle Map | Royal Square
Battle Map | Undercity Sewer Town
Winn's Hollow - Upscale Halfling-Run Tavern
Battle Map | Purple Worm Attacks Estate
Wealthy Noble Estate 4
Battle Map | Church/Graveyard [Original & Desecrated Versions]
Battle Map | Thieves' Guild Stronghold
Battle Map | Mountain Dwarf Outpost
Wealthy Noble Estate 2
Wealthy Noble Estate 1
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