Merchant Outpost | North [80 x 96]
Merchant Outpost | North [80 x 96]

Trading Outpost | North Side [80 x 96]

This is the second half of the Trading Outpost, depicting an old military camp now serving as a Trade Outpost on the southern edge of a river.

This section of the outpost contains:

Full General Store

Farmer with Cows


Government Building (2 floors)


[7] Individual Homes

Potential PC Headquarters (if they base out of here)



North and West Outpost Gates

Extending the environment of the first map, this trading outpost map provides even more options for a variety of social and combat encounters, as well as the background for countless story elements, whether it be liberating the village from the attacks of bandits to dealing with internal political issues to collecting bounties set by the Outpost Captain to making deliveries for one (or more) of the businesses.

Each building is carefully detailed and presented to give you options to use the outpost as a:

Base of Operations -- Players may arrive here and spend several sessions finding, accepting and completing quests.

Character Background Location - One of your PC's may be from this town and have to return to deal with some family or local issue.

Starting Location - Your players may need somewhere to begin your adventure, meeting in the tavern located here and spending several sessions basing out of the outpost before moving on to the rest of your world.

I hope you enjoy it!

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