Released Module | Lair of the Black Spider [PG1, PG2]
Included Map

Included Map

Illustrations by Dean Spencer, writing/layout/map art by me.

Illustrations by Dean Spencer, writing/layout/map art by me.

Illustrations by Dean Spencer, writing/layout/map art by me.

Illustrations by Dean Spencer, writing/layout/map art by me.

Released Module | Lair of the Black Spider [PG1, PG2]

These are pages 1-2 of my very first RPG Module I've released under the D&D5E OGL rules on DriveThruRPG. [Cover Art by Dean Spencer, Layout/Writing/Map Art by me.]

Lair of the Black Spider provides [2] maps (ruined village, cavernous lair below), [5] creature/character tokens and an 8-page, beautifully illustrated narrative and module for running your group through the story. An exiled drow wizard and his bodyguard have escaped assassination in the Deep, coming here after receiving a vision from the Spider Queen in a fever dream. The wizard searches for powerful relics that will help him return home and see his family avenged.

The encounter blends seamlessly in the landscape of the popular module, Lost Mine of Phandelver, providing an alternative location for the protagonist, Nezznar, or can be used in conjunction with any powerful relic in your homebrew game.

Available now on DriveThruRPG:

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