Canyon of the Lost Tomb [80 x 100]
Canyon of the Lost Tomb [80 x 100]

Canyon of the Lost Tomb [80 x 100]


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Intro Story

It came in early morning.

A gentle tremor. And then another.

With a deep groan of the earth, the canyon shifted and shook, lizards scurrying for deep holes and boulders tumbling from the cliffs overhead. Large cracks snaked up the side of the cliffs, while certain sections tore away completely and crumbled to the canyon floor.
The blue waters of the river sloshed and churned, forgetting their heading as they splashed and flailed in violence . A shudder gripped the canyon floor as a large section of earth heaved upward from the river bed, water falling away to reveal a massive plane of earth punching skyward to block the canyon mouth.

Forded, the river staggered drunkenly, forging a new path as it swallowed rock and thorn on a ravenous journey southward. What water remained in the old riverbed settled with the quakes, then eventually began to drain back deep into the earth. Fish flopped unceremoniously upon the shore, stranded and drowning.

As the water receded, the tip of a black onyx obelisk emerged from beneath its depths. Each side of the structure was etched with arcane patterns and the language of an older time. If there lived those who could still read it, they would see them as a warning.

No. A threat.

As the water receded, the earth heaved again and stones high above that resisted the initial invitation now dove freely into the depths of the canyon. A heavy boulder, three times the size of the obelisk barreled into its side, breaking the smooth stone into several pieces and severing it from its base.

None were there to witness the clumsy misstep of nature, nor scold it.

For if nature had known what it had just undone, it would have been ashamed.


Welcome to the Canyon of the Lost Tomb, a large section of desert canyon bisected by a raging river that travels north to south through its twisting corridors.

The area holds several small areas of interest -- caves, tall cliffs, giant nests, animal lairs, and a shattered obelisk located in the northeastern section of the canyon.

This version of the map has a shattered obelisk surrounded by a small explorer's camp and dig site, with a tunnel leading below the obelisk. This can link to any other dungeon or lair map you might want to use, though I'm designing one specific to this purpose.

How do I use this map?

Random Encounter - this could simply be a random encounter map, as the party navigates the river or attempts to move west to east across the terrain, fording rivers, avoiding predators and dealing with some challenges along the way.

Artifact Hunt - news of a powerful artifact being discovered may have reached the ears of an eager employer, who has hired the party to go and fetch it. After making their way through dangerous territory, they manage to find the shattered obelisk. Is it valuable? Does it hold arcane secrets? Does it mark the location of a treasure trove? Did we remember the bag of holding? All important questions.

Delve into the Lost Tomb - the next map pack will be the lost tomb, a partner map to this one featuring both the story and the map of what was trapped and protected beneath the obelisk.

If you enjoy maps like this, come join us on Patreon ( and get access to 220+ more along with NPC portraits, item illustrations and more.

I hope you enjoy this map and can make some great stories!

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