Blackwell Manor Lower Level [42 x 50]
Blackwell Manor Lower Level [42 x 50]

Blackwell Manor Lower Level Map Pack! [42 x 50]

The Lower Level continues the story of a grieving Lord Blackwell desperately searching for a way to return his late wife from the dead, at any cost. The level contains several chambers dedicated toward this goal, including academic research, human research, experimentation, divine worship and other such pursuits.

The Lower Level contains [4] access points from the 1st floor (3 obvious and 1 secret), but only the hidden stairway in Lord Blackwell's office leads directly to the Lower Level compound. The other [3] access points lead toward enclosed areas that may appear as nothing more than access to a privy, the lower part of a crypt or a wine cellar. Each of these, however, has secret doors accessing the larger lower level.

I've included a legended version on the Map Pack, as well, for the corresponding chambers.

[1] Lower Crypt - A hidden stair leads down into a more expansive crypt that includes the resting place of more generations of the Blackwell family, as well as a moon pool, which will be mentioned later.
[2] Lower Dining Hall - An expansive dining hall exists in the lower level, allowing Lord Blackwell to hold meals and discussions with his staff working toward his more unsavory projects.
[3] Adventurer's Chambers - Hired by Lord Blackwell, a team of [4] adventurers lives in the Lower Level and carries out missions for him outside of the compound, whether that be finding specific people, searching for relics and artifacts, or researching information outside of the estate.
[4] Wine Cellar - A staircase from the kitchens above descend into this spacious wine cellar, which seems quite ordinary, save for the secret door leading west out of the room.
[5] Adventurer's Common Room - The Adventurers in employ of Lord Blackwell have a small common area devoted simply to they and their members here.
[6] Acolyte Quarters - A small group of acolytes to the Dark Goddess, resides here, tending to the temple and its many needs.
[7] Researcher's Quarters - A researcher that worships the Dark Goddess lives here in a private quarters off the temple.
[8] Temple of the Dark Goddess - A temple devoted to the Dark Goddess resides here, containing a statue of one of her many symbols, as well as a moon pool. The moon pool's can be used by priests to scry, as well as travel to other pools.
[9] Head Priest's Quarters - Hidden behind the temple's back wall is the head priest's private quarters.
[10] Lower Guard Barracks - A small barracks here provides accommodations for the small contingent of guards that serve in the lower level of the estate.
[11] Torture Chamber - A small room contains several implements of torture, sometimes used to obtain information from prisoners that may lead to a discovery.
[12] Prison & Guard Chamber - A small prison resides here, with room for a contingent of guards to manage the prisoners brought to the estate by agents of Lord Blackwell for testing, questioning or experimentation.
[13] Lower Kitchen & Storage - A large kitchen exists on the lower level to meet the needs of the staff residing here.
[14] Private Staff Quarters - A collection of private chambers exist for the head researcher, cook and guard captain.
[15] Lord Blackwell's Lower Office - This expansive office contains much of the information he has collected on the possibilities of bringing his late wife back from the dead, as well as areas where he discusses new possibilities with his staff.
[16] Experimentation Room - A large chamber with several beds, herbalist station and research materials exists here, where the lead researcher expands the nature of their research to unwilling test subjects to better understand the connection between life and death.
[17] Head Researcher's Quarters - This is the private quarters of the head researcher, where they can conduct their research and provide updates to Lord Blackwell.
[18] Lower Level Library - This library is dedicated toward researching information across many disciplines on the subject of life, death, resurrection and other matters.
[19] Central Hall - This large hallway provides easy access to the many other areas of the lower level, and contains Lady Blackwell's favorite flower, known as the ivory star.
[20] Ceremonial Chamber - This massive chamber contains the apparatus and tools that Lord Blackwell has been using to test the findings of the research and discover a way to bring his wife back from the dead, at the expense of whomever he deems fit.

I hope you guys enjoy this level, and I'm sure you can use it for all kinds of exciting and interesting homebrew stories and adventures!

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