Gargantuan Maggot Lair [70 x 90]
Gargantuan Maggot Lair [70 x 90]

Gargantuan Maggot Lair [70 x 90]

The old farmer walked across the loose soil of the field muttering a string of curses. A long wooden axe was propped against his left shoulder, while a coil of thick rope dangled from his right.

This wasn't the first time the cows had gone missing.

Two weeks ago, a section of the fence line had simply fallen over -- posts leaning flat on the ground as if someone had carefully and gently removed them from the earth. As he neared the fence line near the edge of the wood, however, he noticed that section of the fence wasn't down.

It was gone.

In its place was a gaping, thirty foot hole diving into the shadowy depths of the earth. A terrible odor wafted up from below and the farmer dropped his axe and brought a sleeve to his hand, when he felt the earth beneath his feet shift upward slightly before completely falling away and swallowing the farmer into the darkness below.


This map is a gargantuan maggot lair, filled with twisting tunnels that worm their way below the surface toward some expansive chambers. The tunnels stink of rot and death, and a slight layer of slime coats the walls. The floor appears to have been smoothed out by the movement of something large and heavy, and the dull sounds of slow movement echo within the chamber, punctuated by the occasional shudder of something large moving about.

I had someone ask about making a map similar to the Maggot Lair from Diablo II, so I thought this might be a great insert for nearly anywhere -- all you needed was a big hole in ground, which drops the players into the illuminated circle toward the top of the map.

The map features a handful of small and large chambers:

[2] large chambers filled with tiny maggot swarms and the entry hole of a giant maggot, which could appear/disappear through the hole.

[1] chamber containing the bones of several victims, either killed there, or expelled by worms that had feasted elsewhere and returned home. This also has a smaller access hole from which something could spring.

Small chambers, some choked with roots.

A large chamber in the south containing a massive mound and hole, with several other holes lingering nearby. This could be used to present multiple opponents, or a single opponent that could disappear and move between holes.

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