Forest Pass with Waterfall [70 x 90]
Forest Pass with Waterfall [70 x 90]

Forest Pass with Waterfall [70 x 90]

"The wagon rumbled along the road, trundling gently downward as the earth yawned to give way to a large pass between two hills. Entering the pass, the low rumble of falling water echoed off the stone and a wet mist clung to your cloaks. A large pool of pristine blue water collected at the base of the waterfall, while bushes and trees clung to the craggy side of the rock.

Up ahead, the darkened maw of a cave yawned to the left, behind a small copse of trees.

The pass was quiet, save for the rumble of the water and the occasional chirp of birds. The serenity lasted only a moment, however, as an arrow suddenly thudded in the side of the wagon and a hearty laugh boomed from a small group of men emerging from the trees.

"I'm afraid you've reached a toll, friends. Leave the wagon as payment, and you can walk on with your lives."


This is a random encounter map designed to provide various potential challenges in the elevation changes, water, cave entry/exits and multiple sources of cover.

Trivial to link other maps to the cave mouth or to a location behind/beneath the waterfall, and a great place for an ambush with some ability to run up the left slope for eager archers or spellcasters (or to engage the enemies that thought the same).

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[Made in Dungeondraft with some assets from Kathleen, Morvold Press & Geordie_LaForge.]

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