Red Dragon Lair & Dwarven Dungeon [80 x 160]
Red Dragon Lair

Red Dragon Lair

Red Dragon Lair & Dwarven Dungeon [80 x 160]

Red Dragon Lair & Dwarven Slave Dungeon [80 x 160]

Wilhym trudged toward the large double doors that once guarded their Royal Hall, a massive chamber filled with architecture, history and artisanship. Its stony spires were hand-carved by generations of dwarves, detailing over a thousand years of life below the mountain. Magics were woven into the stone, illuminating the hall and strengthening its pillars. That seemed a lifetime ago.

The dwarf stepped forward and grasped the handle of the right door, wincing as the heat nearly singed his fingers. Wrapping his sleeve about his hand, he tugged again and the door opened with an angry hiss. Wisps of steam trailed out of the crack like curious smoke serpents, writhing through the air as they rose to explore the ceiling.

Wilhym moved into the stony chamber, a collection of sundered stone and hot mist. A small group of dragonborn soldiers glanced over from a camp to the west, perched along the precipice of a molten lava river below. The dragonborn behind him gave him a sharp thud with the base of its spear, prodding him forward.

Stepping tentatively forward, Wilhym walked across the remnants of the honor stone, a bridge all dwarves walked across when they reached adulthood. Only half of it remained. The other half had fallen into the lava below and been consumed by the river.
As he neared the edge, he glanced across the river toward a swirling cloud of dark smoke. It was difficult to see, but a murky shadow moved beneath it like a predator in shallow waters. A pair of gleaming yellow eyes shone through the smoke, and a scaly snout emerged. Its razor-sharp fangs unlatched as it opened its gargantuan maw and hissed.

Wilhym's legs buckled and he fell to his knees in sheer panic. Tears came unbidden to his eyes as the creature regarded him coolly, then spoke in a liquid, deep voice, "Why has the steel stopped flowing?"

Wilhym licked his lips and willed himself back to his feet. Sucking in a short breath, he managed to piece together a string of words through sheer will, "My lord, t-t-their is trouble in the mines. Our w-workers are being...hunted by something. W-we've had to stop producti..."

A deafening roar silenced the dwarf.

"You diggers have dug for centuries. Your claws are filled with dirt. You know the stone and the way of the mountain.", the dragon stated, then paused and added, "Resolve it."

Wilhym kept his eyes closed, as he did not trust his body should he gaze again upon the might of the dragon. His hands found one another, fingertips touching nervously as he said, "W-we've tried, my lord -- we d-don't seem to be able to quell them...if only we ha..."

The dragon interrupted him, "You have offspring, don't you dwarf?"

Wilhym tensed, his eyes squinting slightly as he stammered, "W-what? I mean, y-yes. Yes, a son."

The dragon spoke, addressing the dragonborn standing behind the dwarf, "Bring this dwarf offspring to me."

Wilhym's eyes snapped open, his eyes widening, "No!"

The dwarf swallowed hard and immediately shut his eyes, breathing in short gasps as the dragon took a step forward, its scaly bulk sliding across the stone platform.

Wilhym could feel the creature closing. Could feel its breath grow hotter upon his features as sweat drenched his skin from the heat.

The dragon whispered, its voice thick with promise, "Then...resolve it."

This map portrays a Red Dragon Lair, who has taken over the Royal Hall of a dwarven community in the mountains. It travels through old lava tubes to the surface, and has sundered what used to be the proudest achievement of these dwarves into its private home and subjugated the dwarves therein.A half-dragon commands a small group of dragonborn soldiers, whom oversee the dwarven production of armor, weapon and supplies for a future campaign, while new dragonborn are born and bred in chambers appropriated for their needs.

I hope you enjoy the map. The version on Patreon ( will also have NPC character sheets and artwork for the Dragon, Half-Dragon and a few of the dwarves. Come join us and get access to 90+ more maps!

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