City Trade District (i.e. Waterdeep, Neverwinter, etc...)
City Trade District (i.e. Waterdeep, Neverwinter, etc...)

City Trade District [100 x 90]


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Tier 1 –
Tier 2 –
Tier 3 –
Tier 4 –

It was late afternoon, when we arrived in the trade district of Brinwald. The dusty streets echoed with the sound of hawkers and peddlers selling their wares, the rumbling of trade caravans laden with goods and the harsh cries of mercenaries making their way toward the Thirsty Blade for a stiff drink and view of that evening’s entertainment.

Massive argosies bearing the colors of House Trevarre lumbered by, pausing at one of the many warehouses owned by the nobility and managed in this part of town. Laborers flocked from the warehouse interior to offload precious goods and secure them under the watchful eye of guards and mercenaries patrolling the streets.

We were there to meet with Durgan Blackstone, a dwarven smith from the mountains who had long ago settled in Brinwald. He was rumored to be one of the finest craftsmen in the northlands, and the only one that might be able to tell us more about the history of the blade we’d discovered in the ruins last week.

Evening ushered in a blanket of hazy smoke as cookfires filled the air with the scent of mutton and onions. We glanced at each other and pushed out way down the road, determined to find an answer to our questions concerning the blade - and how to remove its curse.

As we left the main road, the ebb and flow of evening travel slowed, and one might barely have noticed the cloaked figure leaning against the doorway of a nearby home. Barely noticed them push away from its shade and crossed the street to meet two others that seemed to materialize out of the smoke itself.

And one would’ve had to strain to hear the whisper that left their lips as they spoke, “The blade has chosen of them. It is time to collect the sacrifice before the link is severed.”


This is the most recent addition to an ongoing city project, working on sections of a larger city that can be used for social or combat encounters, containing several points of interest, interiors and setting the stage for a multitude of narrative uses.
Some of those uses may be:

1. Heists - somebody needs something stolen out of a well-guarded warehouse and the party needs to figure out a way to do that without attracting too much attention, and without getting themselves in over their heads.

2. Pit Fights - the local tavern has a fighting ring out back who takes all comers, providing your party some much needed fun as they try and climb their way to the top of the ranks during some well-deserved down time.

3. NPC Homes - sometimes the PC's want to track a particular NPC back to their house and now you need to figure out where that PC lives -- lots of options here, as well as twists and turns to make the chase more interesting.

4. PC Headquarters - perhaps your PC's want to buy and own some real estate in town and they get to pick from a variety of potential homes in the neighborhood, starting small and building out over time.

5. Street Encounters - the party may be told of a precious shipment arriving at the warehouse upon a day, carrying something they (or their employers) desperately need and have to plan where and how to intercept and take the cargo.

6. Fleeing Thief - the party may be enjoying themselves at the tavern when one of them reaches for their coin pouch only to find it missing and a shadowy figure slipping out the back door. The case is on!

If you enjoy large-scale scenes such as this that provide a lot of range, elevation differences, cover, interactive scenery and plenty of available objects to weave into your story, come and join us on Patreon for more!

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