Ruins of Ghol | Lizardfolk Camp & Ziggurat [100 x 120]
Ruins of Ghol | Lizardfolk Camp & Ziggurat [100 x 120]

Ruins of Ghol | Lizardfolk Camp & Ziggurat [100 x 120]


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A low mist crept along the murky water of the swamp, obscuring much of the primitive collection of huts. Shards of moonlight snaked their way through the gloom, occasionally touching the water with silvery hands.

The rhythmic thrum of insects accompanied the many croaks and warbles of frogs and swamp birds in the distance, interrupted by the occasional splash of water as something large slid into the water.

The firelight of a nearby brazier illuminated the dirt-caked faces of a handful of humanoid prisoners, huddled within a crude cage of heavy logs and thick numut vine rope. Many of them were covered in painful welts from insect bites and the cage was rank with the smell of excrement.

There were eight of them now.

A reptilian shadow suddenly emerged from the gloom, its tail thrashing the weeds behind it as it crept into the light and flicked a tongue out toward the prisoner’s cage. Its beady black eyes regarded them coolly before it tilted its head and gave a short, bark-like call.

The prisoners flinched at the sound. They’d all heard it before, when there were more of them.

Two larger creatures lurched along the southern path, each holding a wickedly-sharp bone spear. They lowered their spears menacingly as the first creature unfastened the ropes securing the prison door. With a sharp hiss, it threw open the door and pointed a claw at one of the captives.

One of the larger reptiles reached forward and roughly grasped the man, pulling him out of the cage as the other prisoners screamed and shrank away. The door was secured and the reptiles drug the man screaming into the shadow.

That’s when the drums started. They would accompany the screams for another hour. And now they were seven.


Welcome to the Ruins of Ghol, a small lizardfolk village built atop a ruined and sunken temple in the swamp.

The ruins are home to a tribe of lizardfolk in the thrall of an evil spirit buried within the temple below, and follow its bidding to accomplish two primary tasks; bring it humanoid sacrifices and find a physical host appropriate for its spirit to embody.

The included writeup goes into more detail regarding the various locations, NPC's and lore behind the location, though it could certainly be repurposed toward any other narrative in your homebrew!

I hope you enjoy this map pack and can craft some exciting adventures!

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