Battle Map | River Bandit Outpost
River Bandit Outpost by Day

River Bandit Outpost by Day

River Bandit Outpost by Night

River Bandit Outpost by Night

River Bandit Outpost in Winter

River Bandit Outpost in Winter

Battle Map | River Bandit Outpost

Nestled against the stony walls of a nearby hillside, this bandit outpost is home to a group of rough men and women that have decided to leave the perceived injustices of the city for the freedom of the forest, exacting their own form of justice upon the merchant caravans traveling upon lucrative trade routes.

As time goes on, however, their numbers swell and the raids now seem motivated less by their pride and more by their greed.

Someone needs to deal with these brigands -- maybe your party of adventurers!?

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