Blue Water Inn & 2nd Floor | Vallaki [40 x 36]
Blue Water Inn & 2nd Floor | Vallaki [40 x 36]

Blue Water Inn [40 x 36]


This map is available on my Patreon (


Welcome to the Blue Water Inn, a well-known haunt for many of the denizens of the village of Vallaki in Barovia.

The innkeeper considers it a sanctuary against the darkness and evils of the land and charges a premium for its guests. Guests are served stew and fresh bread, with wolf steaks and other amenities available at extra charge.

The map features the main floor with an area map, a second floor PNG transparent tile, and a rooftop, which provide ample room for social and combat encounters, both inside and outside of the tavern.

If you aren't running Curse of Strahd, then this could simply be any inn or tavern in a random village or town within your campaign. I've included a concept image from Midjourney to help set the stage.

I hope you can use it to tell some good stories!

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