Curse of Strahd | Central Vallaki - Blue Water Inn, Blinsky's Toys & Town Square
Curse of Strahd | Central Vallaki - Blue Water Inn, Blinsky's Toys & Town Square

Central Vallaki - Blue Water Inn & Blinksy's Toys [120 x 110]

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This is my third installment of a zoomed-in village of Vallaki from the module, Curse of Strahd.

This part is called Central Vallaki and follows [2] previous sections of town, beginning with the western gates of town and moving east across town. The current [3] sections stitched together (which I've attached an image of above) would fit a 360 x 110 grid, or about 30' x 9.1' in total physical size.

Central Vallaki contains:

Blue Water Inn is a [3] level inn serving as one of the social hubs for the villagers of Vallaki, its walls adorned with many severed heads of wolves felled beyond the walls.

Town Square is a section of town that contains attempts at festivals and parties night after night, featuring a statue and fountain, stocks, flowers and decorations.

Blinksy's Toys is a [2] level toy store owned and operated by a strange proprietor that offers a collection of macabre and creepy toys. It does not have a map in the module, so this is my interpretation of that space.

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I hope you enjoy it!

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