Dwarven Tinker City | Mid (Elevator) Level [90 x 100]
Dwarven Tinker City | Mid (Elevator) Level [90 x 100]

Dwarven Tinker City | Mid (Elevator) Level [90 x 100]

The Mid Level is only accessible via the elevator system and exists mostly as a way to more easily transport goods and people about the facility without interrupting work. There are a few living quarters and offices here, as well as a trash incinerator, but for the most part it is a network for large and small tunnels lined with tracks for transporting carts.

[1] Transport Cart Storage – This long hallway has several side-tracks available for storing empty (or full) carts of goods to use when needed. There are several ports, allowing carts to easily pull off and make room for other carts needing to get through.

[2] Trash Incinerator Station – This small station is lined with junk and trash of all types, from failed creations to byproducts to kitchen trash, constructs bring the trash down and a small team of dwarves manage the process of burning the waste.

[3] Incinerator Operation Quarters – The leader of the incinerator team has an office here in the mid level, overseeing the operations and deliveries of trash from the rest of the compound.

[4] Living Quarters – One living quarters exists on the mid level, mostly for a handful of guards and those that work the incinerators. There are [16] beds and all regular accommodations.

[5] Guard Station – A small table serves as a guard station in this interaction of the various tracks, overseeing progress and ensuring there are no issues with transportation or the occasional creature that may find its way into the facility.

[6] Furnace Tube Intersection – A tube channeling heat from below up to the metal working chamber on the main level exists here, venting heat and gasses as carts maneuver about it.

[7] Abandoned Tunnel – Originally planned to be another section of the construction, this tunnel was eventually abandoned and later damaged by an earthquake. Set in a fairly remote section of the tunnel system, someone from the community has made it their remote home.

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