Dwarven Tinker City | Main Level [90 x 100]
Dwarven Tinker City | Main Level [90 x 100]

The Main Level is the only level accessible from the outer world, a large door marked with the city’s emblem stands along the treacherous pass of a large mountain. The Main Level contains the following chambers:

[1] Main Entry – At the base of the stairs leading from the city gate, this main entry features the symbol of the dwarven tinkers clan (entwined circles), a large platform and a few dwarven statue guards (easy to animate for defensive purposes). You will notice several of this same platform (of varying sizes) throughout the city, and that is because they are part of an elevator system that moves between the Main Level, Mid Level and Lower Level. This room has elevator access.

[2] Living Quarters 1 – North of the entry is the first of many dwarven living quarters, featuring a gear-shaped collection of beds that sleep [16] at a time. The community holds enough beds for 130+ dwarves, but you could easily double or triple that number, if you chose to have them rotate beds between shifts, potentially growing the community to as large as ~400 dwarves.

[3] Work Station 1 – East of Living Quarters 1 is the first of a few work stations, where tinkers work with natural resources delivered via the Deep Roads to refine and use toward their many creations. In this particular station, there are working with some white crystals, the exact type of which can be seen being collected in the mines of Mhalduun (another dwarven map). This room has elevator access.

[4] Living Quarters 2 – East of Work Station 1 lay the second Living Quarters on the main level, a large area containing [32] beds, a long table, [2] side tables, statue and several chests and cabinets for clothing and tools.

[5] Officer Quarters - Located off Living Quarters 2 is a private chamber for one of the head tinkers, head guards or whomever you would like to weave into your story. The room provides all of the basic necessities and privacy, one of the hardest things to find in this tightly-packed dwarven community.

[6] Store Room – Located southeast of Living Quarters 2 is a large Store Room, where deliveries of ore, metal, crystal, food and other goods can be stored until needed elsewhere in the community. This room has elevator access.

[7] Metal Working Chamber – East of the Store Room, this massive chamber is filled with a massive furnace, channels for molten metal and molds for a variety of gears and other objects that can be easily swapped out with other molds. Carts lay about, some laden with finished gears for transport below, others empty and awaiting the next load.

[8] Work Station 2 – Southwest of the Store Room is another work station, where dwarves seem to be piecing together metal blades and conducting other research on various parts that may eventually rest in a future construct. This room has elevator access.

[9] Tinker Shrine – South of the Store Room is a shrine dedicated to their God of Works, represented by a large construct against the eastern wall. The room is fairly bare with several stone pillars and modest décor.

[10] Priest Quarters – Accessible through a door on the south wall of the Shrine, the private quarters of the local priest can be found.

[11] Kitchen & Storage – South of Work Station 2 is a large store room and adjoined kitchen, which works tirelessly to feed the many dwarves of this community.

[12] Dining Hall – South of the kitchens is a large dining hall with [2] massive tables, water, ale/mead barrels and a welcome hearth.

[13] Work Station 3 – West of the Dining Hall is another work station, where dwarves are working on and assembling components to some of the constructs you see being made in the assembly line deeper within the community. This room has elevator access.

[14] Living Quarters 3 – South of the Dining Hall is another living quarters, with [16] beds, table and chairs, dressers, chests, water and privy.

[15] Living Quarters 4 – East of Living Quarters 3 is another living quarters with [16] beds, a large round table and similar accommodations as the other living quarters.

[16] Assembly Plant – South of Living Quarters 4 is a huge assembly plant, where dwarves work on an assembly line, crafting constructs and other works that are fed along the table to eventually be loaded onto pallets and taken elsewhere within the community. A row of elevator platforms line the southern wall, able to quickly bring finished goods from the work stations and/or new supplies from storage. A large elevator platform lay on the eastern side, providing ample space to transport finished works elsewhere in the community.

[17] Head Tinker’s Quarters – Adjoined to the assembly plant on the southeastern wall is the private quarters of the head tinker, who monitors and manages production.

[18] Tinker’s Library – West of the Assembly Plant is a large library with many bookshelves and a long table for research and study of material properties, construction techniques and more.

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