Dwarven Tinker City | Lower (Royal) Level [90 x 100]
Dwarven Tinker City | Lower (Royal) Level [90 x 100]

Dwarven Tinker City | Lower (Royal) Level [90 x 100]

The Lower Level is accessible via elevator or a large stair on the far eastern side of the community and holds the royal quarters, main speaking chamber, forge, workshop and many other critical locations to the community.

[1] Transportation Cart Repair Bay – This large chamber contains several bays for repairing existing carts for the transportation crew, with several tables laden with tools, work station to check specifications or research new innovations and lots of storage.

[2] Lower Library – A small section of the library and work station for research exists on the lower level, often taken by a more senior researcher looking for privacy and relative quiet.

[3] Deep Well – The community’s main water source is a deep well from which water is drawn, barreled and sent to the various parts of the community via some of the transport constructs.

[4] Living Quarters 1 – One of a few living quarters in the lower level, there are [16] beds, tables, storage, privies and water.

[5] Guard Station – This guard station is perched near the stairway to monitor the only non-elevator point of access for the community and make sure no pesky adventurers are trying to sneak downstairs because they couldn’t figure out how the elevator system works.

[6] Deep Roads Station – A guard station stands here by one of the major elevators and a massive gate leading out of the community into the Deep Roads that twist and wind beneath the mountain toward other subterranean locations, including the Hall of the Forge Lords and Dwarven Mining City of Mhalduun.

[7] Deep Road – This section of the Deep Road leads further beneath the mountain, branching off to multiple locations along the way. An easy way to connect this to other mountainous regions/settlements, as well as the Underdark.

[8] Forge – A large forge is settled here, near a funneled heat source that travels up toward the metal working chamber. The smith and his team here manage the creation of small and large constructs, piecing them together and working out plans for automation for the assembly line.

[9] Smith’s Quarters – These are the private quarters of the head smith.

[10] Apprentice’s Quarters – These are the quarters of the smith’s apprentices, containing [4] beds and normal accommodations.

[11] Workshop – This large workshop is the staging ground for many of the original construct ideas and plans, allowing them to research, test and refine the designs before they can be sent to the assembly line for part manufacturing.

[12] Royal Quarters – These are the royal quarters of the King and Queen, located behind several sets of locked and reinforced doors, some of which require a combination rather than a key.

[13] Vault – Known as the “heart” of the Queen, this vault contains the community’s treasure, which are mostly the plans and designs of many of their constructs, as well as a handful of artifacts and important pieces to their culture.

[14] Armory – A small armory is here, providing the lower level guards with quick access to anything they would need to help defend the area, as well as rotating guards to come and collect their gear for any given day.

[15] Guard Captain’s Quarters – This is the private room of the guard captain, which includes their bed, chest and drawers, as well as a front room with a large table to meet with his officers and other members of the community.

[16] Guard’s Living Quarters – These quarters are reserved for the Royal Guards, whom patrol the throne room and gathering chamber, as well as the workshop, forge and royal halls.

[17] Historical Art Chamber – This large chamber is attached to the elevator located at the front of the community and is intended to potentially receive guests. It has been decorated with several bas relief carvings of some of the greatest moments of the community’s history.

[18] Guest Quarters – This small room has been dressed to accommodate visitors to the dwarves. It is not very large. They don’t expect many guests.

[19] Throne Room & Speaking Chamber – This massive chamber serves as both the throne room and speaking chamber for the King and Queen, with chairs for most of the community to come and listen to announcements or for large gatherings. The center of the room holds a massive raised platform of spinning cogs, upon which rest the thrones. A stairway of cogs leads up to the platform. In the southwestern section lay a deep pit descending into the Underdark, which is sometimes used to condemn criminals of the community or trespassers.

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