Drow Stronghold - 1st & 2nd Floors [28 x 40]
1st Floor

1st Floor

2nd Floor

2nd Floor

Drow Stronghold - 1st & 2nd Floors [28 x 40]

Drow Stronghold - 1st & 2nd Floor [56 x 40]
This map depicts the 1st and 2nd Floors of a Drow Stronghold, as loosely described in the city of Skullport as the Tanor'Thal Refuge.
The stronghold is home to a royal family, as well as contingent of guards and a large hatchery of spiders, which serve as soldiers, guards and pets about the estate. It can be located anywhere in your homebrew, but it is located on the ceiling of the massive cavern in which Skullport is located, in the shape of a giant spider.
I attempted to lend the look and feel of a spider to both the architecture, as well as to some of the interior design, especially with the crimson and black
This map depicts the 1st and 2nd Floors of a Drow Stronghold, as loosely described in the city of Skullport as the Tanor'Thal Refuge.
The stronghold is home to a royal family, as well as contingent of guards and a large hatchery of spiders, which serve as soldiers, guards and pets about the estate. It can be located anywhere in your homebrew, but it is located on the ceiling of the massive cavern in which Skullport is located, in the shape of a giant spider.
I attempted to lend the look and feel of a spider to both the architecture, as well as to some of the interior design, especially with the crimson and black pillars on the second floor to appear like several spider eyes.
Several of the doorways also appear as lit spiderwebs. In my mind, these would be treated as doors affected by the spell Arcane Lock with only family members or high ranking officers able to gain entry. Any others would have to attempt to break their way into the compound.
The 1st Floor contains:
Main Entry - The beautifully-tiled main entry hosts glowing stone pillars and a massive spider statue dedicated to Lloth at the southern end. Doors lead out toward hallways on the east and west, while a pair of double doors behind the statue lead into a large corridor.
Guard Barracks [2] - Two barracks lay off the western hall, providing sleeping arrangements for a number of drow guardsmen and/or servants.
Library - Located off the eastern hallway, a large hallway contains thousands of years of knowledge upon its shelves, and is used by both the family, as well as important guests, looking to gather information.
Officer's Quarters [2] - Two private chambers adjoin the large corridor in the center, home to officers of the noble family's guardsmen. I dressed the rooms to favor one of them a warrior and one of them a wizard or sorcerer.
Kitchen - A kitchen lay against the western half of the stronghold.
Dining Hall - A dining hall lay against the western half of the stronghold, often the site of formal dining events for the family and when guests come to call.
War Room - Slavery is a lucrative trade, but slaving runs must be well-planned and researched, which is frequently the topic of conversation here while perusing maps of the Known World.
Summoning Chamber - Well trained in the arcane arts, this chamber houses a summoning circle as well as a teleportation portal for quick travel to and from Skullport and other destinations.
Royal Quarters [3] - The Royal Quarters of [3] of the family members are here, each dressed slightly differently based on potential character types/interests.
The 2nd Floor contains:
Spider Hatchery - The northern section of the 2nd floor is home to the hatchery, where giant spiders are bred and trained for service to the family.
Slave Cells - Slave cells are located on the western and eastern sides of the 2nd floor, housing the slaves brought to market until they are ready for sale.
Guard Barracks - Another guard barracks is located on the 2nd floor, where they primarily oversee the hatchery and slave trade.
Officer's Quarters - A guard officer's private quarters is located off the barracks.
Meeting Chamber - A large meeting chamber is located near the middle of the 2nd floor, where the Royal family and lower ranking members can meet and discuss house business, deliver reports and receive commands.
Royal Chambers [2] - Two royal chambers of higher-ranking or older (parents) nobles reside upon the second floor, adjoining an open tiled chamber.
Royal Meeting Room - At the far southern end of the 2nd Floor, a chamber only accessible my members of the royal family exists to keep the secrecy of family business.
I would potentially use this stronghold for social encounters, if/when treating with the drow in Skullport (or your homebrew), as a location where PC's need to attempt to infiltrate and free a prisoner, or to escape themselves (after being captured in the Underdark). It could also be the location of a necessary artifact or piece of information the party must secure (diplomatically, financially or aggressively) to continue on their quest.
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