The Ivorium Mage Tower
1st Floor & Village

1st Floor & Village

2nd Floor & Village

2nd Floor & Village

Lower Level

Lower Level

3rd Floor

3rd Floor

4th Floor

4th Floor

5th Floor

5th Floor

The Ivorium Mage Tower

The Ivorium - 6-Level Mage Tower & Village [43 x 52] & [19 x 19]

The following [6] maps comprise the spiraling Mage Tower known as the Ivorium, a center of magical learning with a specialization in planar and inter-dimensional travel.

This pack contains the following:

Lower Level & Planer Map

The Lower Level of the Ivorium contains a sprawling Map of the Planes used for teaching, as well as several classrooms, student and instructor quarters, library, common room and exterior access to the peninsula shoreline.

Main Floor & Village

The Main Floor of the Ivorium contains classrooms that teach several schools of magic: enchantment, divination, evocation, illusion, transmutation, alteration and conjuration. Necromancy is not taught here. The village contains a tavern known as the Wandering Wish, a magical stables that miniaturizes the horses, a perpetual student's hut, two servant's homes, a merchant's house, general store and warehouse, docks and several common dorms for initiates and visitors.

2nd Floor & Village

The 2nd Floor contains classrooms, a dining room, and several accommodations for the more advanced students living and learning at the Ivorium. It also contains a large library, washrooms, [2] visitor's chambers and a kitchen/storage. The village contains the rooftops and 2nd level of the Wandering Wish.

3rd Floor - Hall of Magic Testing/Puzzles

The 3rd Floor contains a sprawling library filled with knowledge, puzzles and challenges. Students often spend years navigating its twisting hallways, often forced to read and memorize many of its tomes in order to progress to the next chamber. Once a student has successfully navigated each chamber and passed each challenge, they are taught how to use the teleportation portals that access the 4th and 5th floors.

4th Floor - Instructor's Quarters

The 4th Floor contains the quarters of the 7 High Mage Instructors and their private meeting chamber to discuss official tower business, as well as entertain high profile guests. The only means of accessing this level is through the teleportation circles.

5th Floor - The Ivorium Gate

The 5th Floor contains libraries and chambers holding the more advanced knowledge of the planes, planar travel, gates and dimensional magics. It's also home to the artifact known as the Ivorium Gate, which allows experienced mages to open a portal to nearly any plane or known dimension, sending people through, as well as bringing people back. It is both highly prized and highly feared, for its power and potential.

How do I use these maps?

My intention in creating this mage tower was to create a well-defined location where players could role-play out their origins (as wizards, sorcerers or warlocks), serve as a starting location to a campaign or adventure, serve as a quest hub for a given campaign/adventure, or be a resource to you, as a DM, should your players need to conduct research on the Planes, seek Planar travel that is beyond their capabilities, or introduce a new entity to the game world.

I hope you enjoy the maps and would love to hear your feedback and comments.

If you'd like to support more maps like this, please come and join us on Patreon, and join the discussion for new ideas and areas!

[Made in Dungeondraft with some assets from Essendi, Val, Gnome Factory, AoA, Jamie, Krager & Gogots.]

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