Isle of Velkarta - Fort of the Pirate King/Queen
Pirate Fort, Docks & Ship - Day

Pirate Fort, Docks & Ship - Day

Pirate Fort, Docks & Ship - Night

Pirate Fort, Docks & Ship - Night

Isle of Velkarta - Fort of the Pirate King/Queen

Island of Velkarta [Part 3] - Pirate's Fort! - [50 x 44]

This is the 3rd installment of the Isle of Velkarta series that I decided to create after making the "Pirate Port" map.

This battle map depicts the Northeast quarter of the island, home to an old fort that has been taken over by the Pirate King/Queen and her crew. Running the island from this location, the pirates enjoy not only the spoils of their adventures, but also a portion of every ship and crew that passes through Velkarta.

I've included a Day/Night version, as well as some closer shots of the various parts of the map. More information in the comments on how you could use this map in your campaign/adventures!

As always, I'd love to hear your comments/feedback!

How would my players use it?

Building upon the other two quarters of the island, you now have what will eventually be a 3-floor Fort ruled by a Pirate King/Queen and their crew. Outside of the fort is a small dockside village with an inn, harbormaster and quarters for crew/mercenaries/travelers not yet branded into the pirate family.

| Players might need to gain audience with the Pirate King/Queen and seek their permission or aid in furthering a quest, finding a precious item, identifying a lost location or some other such bit of information they may have collected.

| Players may need to sneak into the depths of the old Pirate Fort to rescue a comrade, informant, captured agent of the Crown or other valuable person.

| Players may be captured by the pirates and need to discover a way to break out and escape the fort, as well as the pirates themselves, then find a way off the island.

| Players may be invited to dine with the Pirate King/Queen, after tales of their exploits reach the Fort by way of the Pirate Port itself. Once there, the Pirate King/Queen may have a task for the party to achieve of their own for a handsome price.

This is available on Patreon, along with 60+ other maps!

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