Temple of the Arcane Flame [80 x 100]
Temple of the Arcane Flame [80 x 100]

Temple of the Arcane Flame [80 x 100]


This map is available on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/morvoldpress).

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This is a hidden temple housing a powerful resource known as the Arcane Flame, capable of manipulating the magical nature of forged weapons, armor and items of power.

In the same way steel bends to heat, a nonmagical substance bends itself to the Arcane Flame, becoming malleable and, to the trained hand, similarly capable of being forged into a tool beyond its original state.

The Temple of Arcane Flame lay deep in the stone, atop a mine known to produce a particular mineral used by the acolytes to create and sustain the flame itself. A small mining operation takes place below the temple, feeding it the materials and fuel it needs to operate, while the spell-smiths and infusers forge items of power under the careful watch of the council.

The Temple of Arcane Flame could be used for a variety of purposes:

1. Your PC's want to have a special magic item forged (or reforged).
2. Your adventure requires the PC's stop someone, or something, from forging or reforging a powerful artifact or relic.
3. You want a resource where magical items are created, such that the party must find a way, or pay the price, to have them agree to perform that work.
4. The temple has been taken over or overrun with creatures and must be cleared out.
5. One of your PC's has a background working in such a place and can be used as a resource and/or part of their personal narrative.

The Temple contains a Grand Entry Hall, Guest Quarters, Gathering Hall, Library, Acolyte's Quarters, Advisor's Quarters, Council Meeting Chamber, Council Living Quarters, Bath & Privy, [2] Guard Barracks, [2] Worker Barracks, [1] Spell Smith Quarters, Kitchen, Dining Hall, Guard Captain's Quarters, Arcane Flame Room & Mine Entrance.

The temple also includes a large area beyond its hidden gate of scrubland and large stones, where adventurers may stumble across challenges, puzzles and/or creatures that roam the area beyond to keep its doors clear of idle passerbys.

Hope you enjoy it!

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