Battle Map | The Ember Grove [80 x 100]
Battle Map | The Ember Grove [80 x 100]

The Ember Grove [80 x 100]


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The Ember Grove | Exterior & Interior [80 x 100]

"Urcha moved through the earthen tunnel, his right hand carrying a long gnarled staff of hardwood cradling the rough edges of a quartz crystal. His footsteps were hurried, kicking up dust along the stony ground and sending pebbles skittering against the wall.

Moonlight greeted him as he emerged from the bowels of his hill-home.

It was evening.

Silvery rays of moonlight carved through the canopy of the grove, as tiny wisps of light played with the fireflies and danced among the shrubbery. It was a beautiful night, though Urcha did not seem to notice.

Striding from his home, Urcha turned his gaze toward the large ember tree growing in the center of the grove, the corners of his mouth turning downward slightly as he surveyed its leaves. They had been a light pinkish hue a week ago, but over the last several days had been taking on a severe, crimson hue.

The color of the ember tree was linked to the health of the grove, and to the forest entire. When its boundaries were threatened or denizens killed, the Ember Tree wept. The greater the threat, the darker the shade.

And, tonight, its leaves were blood red."

This is the Ember Grove, a secreted clearing amidst a large forest and home to a local druid that lives in a small hill to the northwest of the tree. There are [2] maps, an Exterior and Interior, which convey the grove above and below ground.

If you wish to use the druid and have them be part of your narrative, the home is there, however, if you just want to use the clearing for your own purposes, then the hill entrances can simply be old caves or small shelters.

This map could be used for:

1. Seeking out and meeting a powerful druid.
2. Seeking out and obtaining a leaf from the Ember Tree.
3. Playing out an encounter around some Fey ceremony or ritual.
4. Tracking a creature known to lair here.

If you like it and want to get 120+ more high-detail, immersive maps, come join us on Patreon and get files for Roll20, Foundry, Fantasy Grounds and Print!

I hope you enjoy it!

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