Elven Noble Estate
Elven Estate by Day

Elven Estate by Day

Elven Estate by Night

Elven Estate by Night

Elven Noble Estate

New Battle Map - Elven Noble Estate!

Secluded deep in the Elven wood, this estate houses one of the proud noble families of the elven nation. Crystal blue waters shimmer along the nearby lake, while towering oaks, maples and ironwood trees loom overhead like bark-armored sentinels, their patient gaze keeping watch over its quiet inhabitants.

The Lord and Lady of Valethorn Manor are both wise and proud, insulated by the broad forests of their people and protected by the woods. Powerful magics swim through the wooden walls and floors of the manor, which plays host to their neighbors, members of court and the rare dignitary or traveler that is granted entry.

Many mages of the Realm have desired to turn the pages of the library held here, and to learn of the many secrets Lord and Lady Valethorn have learned over the past several hundred years. And while guests are treated with respect and well-cared for, it is widely whispered that one must always be careful to honor cultural conventions and maintain decorum, lest they never leave these woods.


What may bring your adventurers here? Perhaps they must treat with the Noble Lord or Lady for a favor, or to learn an important piece of information?

Perhaps they are being sent on a diplomatic mission from another Kingdom, only to find that before they are granted their boon, they must complete a task for the noble lord/lady.

Or perhaps the elves are sheltering someone who has done great harm to the outside Kingdoms, and instead of risking all out war between nations, a rogue company with no affiliations or sanctions must make their way in and do the deed.

Options abound!

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