Sunken City & Kraken Lair [72 x 96]
Sunken City & Kraken Lair [72 x 96]

Kraken Lair & Sunken City [72 x 96]

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This is my first underwater map, and I'm pretty excited about the result!

Behold - a sunken city inhabited by Sahuagin that worship a mighty Kraken from the depths, frequently capturing surface-dwelling creatures to bring below and sacrifice to their God at the edge of its bottomless lair.

The map contains about two-thirds sunken city and about one-third bottomless chasm and home to the mighty Kraken.

The sunken city contains several points of interest and should make for an exciting environment to explore, should your characters brave the its depths.

Among its many areas are:

Throne Room - located near the center of the city, a circular chamber ringed with carved pillars frames a formal throne room. A throne, surrounded by kelp, coral and other plants, sits to the northwest, while a glowing crystalline circle dominates the center of the room. This chamber is one of [4] areas in the sunken city that has been magically sealed against water, allowing surface dwellers to breathe normally while being questioned by the Sahuagin ruler.

Egg Chamber - To the southwest lay a small chamber, where handfuls of bioluminescent eggs sit covered in the shadows of flowing seaweed. These eggs are tended to by several Sahuagin.

Sleeping Chambers - Spread among several different chambers are [3] areas containing large, purple sea flowers upon which the Sahuagin will sleep, when they require rest.

Air Pocket Chambers - In addition to the Throne Room, there are [3] additional chambers that have been sealed (magically or some other way) to allow for surface dwellers to exist there without an ability to breathe underwater. The rooms have been left largely bare, to allow you to mold their use to your narrative, whether they are used as cells for captives, housing for human slaves or the sealed library of the original city, still carrying with it knowledge and treasures.

Sacrificial Ledge - Located to the southeast is a sacrificial altar, perched precariously atop the ledge of a huge drop off into the darkness below. This is where the Sahuagin bring their victims to be sacrificed to their god (or to attempt to summon the Kraken).

Plant Life - Spread among the sunken city are a variety of underwater plant life that could be used in a variety of ways. Plants that appear to have eyestalks may watch for intruders. Large clams may attempt to swallow up trespassers. Spiny urchins may toss barbed quills at anything coming too close. Thick coral may shrink and snare anything foolish enough to crawl within its reach.

The Dropoff - Lastly, to the far south of the map is a massive drop off into the deep ocean, where the Kraken is rumored to lair. There is no visible bottom, and the cliff face descends into darkness, creating a looming sense of dread and smallness to most mortals that find themselves standing upon its edge.

This map is now available on Patreon, and your support means a ton to me! Come get 110+ maps and join our little may family! =)
I hope you guys enjoy this map -- I had a ton of fun making it!


[Made in Dugeondraft with some assets from Krager, AoA, Birdie, Gnome Factory, Essendi, Orcitect, Miscellanea Maps, Skront and Pancake.]

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