Harelquin's Haven - Rotating Dungeon [102 x 102]
Harelquin's Haven - Rotating Dungeon [102 x 102]

Harlequin's Haven - Rotating Dungeon [102 x 102]

This map is available on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/morvoldpress).

PATRONS - get your download links for the map by clicking on the URL for your Tier (1, 2, 3, 4) below:

Harlequin's Haven Rotating Dungeon - Click your Tier!

Tier 1 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/65718762
Tier 2 – https://www.patreon.com/posts/65718796
Tier 3 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/65718840
Tier 4 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/65718868

This is a slightly different take on a dungeon -- rather than the shattered or forgotten remnants of a place that was once was, this is the playground of a mischievous deity or powerful entity, designed for their amusement and entertainment.

Harlequin's Haven is a dungeon that can appear at the base of any stairway, luring adventurers into its depths with the promise of treasure and glory. Some find both, while others remain trapped within the dungeon for decades or even their entire lives, as the many levels and walls shift and rotate, removing their ability to return to the entrance.

The dungeon is comprised of [3] main sections:

1. The center, entry square.
2. The middle square.
3. The outer square.

Entry Square
All whom enter the dungeon, do so through the center, entry square. It remains on a fixed point, but can move up and down (to interact with other levels not represented by this map). In the center of the chamber is a brazier of continual flame, illuminating the simple stone walls and the [4] available pathways.

Those pathways may or may not have a door upon them, depending on where the deity would like to see the party go -- or may provide them with a choice of [2] or [3] doors.

Middle Square

Once a choice is made from the entry square, players move into one of the [4] sections of the middle square, all completely separate from one another. Once a choice has been made, the door behind them closes shut - physically or magically.

Each of the [4] sections of the middle square may hold anywhere between 1 - 4 encounters. The encounters in the dungeon include a variety of puzzles, combat and social opportunities for the players to experience. In the case of multiple options, players can sometimes choose the door they would like to go, or sometimes the way they solve the room determines which direction they go.

Each middle square has [2] different pathways that lead toward different sections of the Outer Square.

Outer Square

The outer square contains even larger chambers with potentially larger encounters. Some of these span the entire section, while others have been divided into several chambers. Each of the [8] sections of the Outer Square are completely separate from one another, and provide a different experience in tone, purpose and experience.

Some adventurers, for example, have given up finding a way out of the dungeon and created their own small home, as with the Forgotten Blade, a tavern comprised of adventurers that have wandered the dungeon unable to find a way back to the entry.

Rotating the Dungeon

Whilst the Entry Square remains fixed, the Middle Square and Outer Square can rotate (usually this is accomplished by them moving up or down from the entry).

Rotating the Dungeon allows you to change both where the players are going, as well as where they've been. The rooms behind them become something new, whilst the rooms ahead of them can likewise change. In this way, it is sometimes difficult or impossible to know where you are, or how exactly to return, as the doors to the entry room sometimes disappear completely.

How do I win?

That is entirely up to you and the experience you wish to give.

It may be that the players have to explore until they find a particular chamber, discover a particular person, or locate a specific item. It may be that each time they solve one of the chambers in the Outer Square, they are rewarded with a direct path back to the beginning, or out of the dungeon entirely.

What happens after we've cleared this section?

Being the playground of a powerful deity or entity, this is a magical place. Once a given chamber has been explored and solved, the encounter may completely reset. Creatures that were felled return to life, as they were only powerful phantasms or illusions. Destroyed objects and structures may seamlessly return to their original state, or even change slightly, in preparation for the next adventurer.

It may be impossible to tell who is real, and who is a construct of the Haven.

I hope you enjoy the concept and the dungeon!

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