Village of Parnast | HotDQ [68 x 84]
Village of Parnast | HotDQ [68 x 84]

Village of Parnast | HotDQ [68 x 84]


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This is my interpretation of the Village of Parnast from Hoard of the Dragon Queen, a small village nestled in the foothills of the mountains near a tall cliff's edge.

The small village contains over a dozen buildings flanking a dirt path that leads toward a square in the center of the town. An old stone well squats atop a small rise, while the path continues southwest toward the edge of a large cliff.

In the module, a floating island with a massive ice castle sits across a wooden bridge from the village, gathering supplies from the cultists that operate there.

The town contains [4] interiors, which are mentioned in the module, but not provided:

Large Stables - a large stables near the northern end of the town has been boarded up and windows shuttered. Strange sounds can be heard occasionally within, along with the scrape of something heavy over wood.

Shrine of Axes - a small shrine holding statues of deities lording over spring, summer, autumn and winter fill this hall, a shrine to lumberjacks.

Wheelwright's Shop - one of the local crafters, this small shop is dedicated to the wheelwright that works on incoming and outgoing wagon repairs.

The 'Golden Tankard' Tavern - on the southern side of town stands a tavern known as the Golden Tankard (1st floor provided), which has generous seating and an ample kitchen.

If you're not running the module, this would make for an interesting and remote location for your party to visit, perhaps to make contact with a mountain guide, find solace after hard adventuring, learn of some local issues the town is having that a few hardy adventurers might be able to solve -- for GOLD!

I hope you enjoy it!


Parnast Village is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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