Battle Map | Halloween Themed Noble Estate and Lower Level
1st Level of the Halloween Themed Noble Estate

1st Level of the Halloween Themed Noble Estate

Lower Level of the Halloween Themed Noble Estate.

Lower Level of the Halloween Themed Noble Estate.

Battle Map | Halloween Themed Noble Estate and Lower Level

Halloween Noble Estate!

Your party has been invited to attend a masquerade ball, the reading of a will or perhaps a private dinner with the host of a remote Noble Estate. You have heard rumors of the estate before, eccentric family members, missing townspeople, mysterious circumstances. Nothing was ever discovered, but no one has set foot on the grounds for years.

Not until now.

The party arrives at the estate, welcomed by the attentive staff and given accommodations for their stay. They find that there are other guests, as well, all invited to dine with the host, where they plan to make a special announcement. Dinner is delicious, the conversation engaging, and the sights and sounds of the estate and grounds a feast for the eyes, but something does claw at the back of the mind. A tiny warning.

When evening comes and everyone retires to their rooms, the party awakes to the sounds of screaming. Guests in the hallways, running toward the locked gates -- a greenish glow surrounding the property like an impenetrable shield. No one can escape.

The host suddenly appears and informs them that they have the honor of being the last guests to be invited to the manor, before the True Lord returns. And, oh yes, there is the little matter of the blood. They need it.

So, run, if you can. Or solve the mystery of the family and the estate, before it's too late.


The Upper Level has kitchens, a formal dining room, 6 guest quarters, baths, a main foyer, grand hallway, grand ballroom, library and the host's quarters, along with the expansive grounds of the gated property.

The Lower Level has a guard barracks, captain's quarters, servants barracks, head servant's quarters, armory, mage quarters, food prep and storage in the "accessible" wing, and in a secret part of the lower level, the host's private experimentation room, prisoner cells, a blood collection chamber and the grand ceremonial chamber where the summoning shall take place, once all of the blood has been collected.

Best of luck to the party! ;)

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