Battle Map | Lair of the White Wyrm (White Dragon)
Lair of the White Wyrm

Lair of the White Wyrm

Battle Map | Lair of the White Wyrm (White Dragon)

Battle Map | Lair of the White Wyrm! [35 x 28]

Tales reach far across the northern Kingdom of the legendary white wyrm that lives high within the snow-capped mountains. Every generation has its own tale of the monstrous creature that terrorizes their livestock, hunts across the hillsides and plunders whatever treasure it can find before returning to its icy lair.

Many adventurers have climbed into the mountains, armed with courage and steel, to hunt the wyrm and claim its bounty. Only a handful have ever returned alive, with harrowing stories of their companions attached in a snowstorm, buried in an avalanche, frozen beneath the waves of an icy lake or, the precious few that actually find its lair, the chill of its cavernous home and the crack and shifting of the ice.

Will your party finally put the creature to rest and claim its treasure? Or will they become the next permanent residents of the White Wyrm's Lair?


This Battle Map includes the Lair of the White Wyrm, an Adult White Dragon that has claimed the cavernous interior of a mountain as its home. Three icy streams feed into a large subterranean lake, where sheer walls rise slowly toward a massive cave near the ceiling, covered in ice and laden with glittering gold and jewels.

I hope you enjoy, and would love to hear tales of your adventures!

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