Neverwinter Wood - Part 2 [80 x 160]
Neverwinter Wood - Part 2 [80 x 160]

Neverwinter Wood – Part 2 [80 x 160]

This project got me working many hours over the last few days, and I’m very excited about the results, which is another 80 x 160 stretch of contiguous forest, creating one 160 x 160 square, when combined with the first map.

My goal is to create additional 160 x 160 squares over the next few months that connect to this map, forming a huge swath of forest that contains many features of interest to easily tie into your homebrew or module campaigns and present plot hooks to get the party interested in the region. It’s also a location where you may actually need to worry about maximum range, have plenty of cover and LOS issues and can introduce enemies from many different places.

Some points of interest on the new map:

Dry Lake Bed - the dry river bed curves eastward into what was once a large lake, but now stands as a small valley within the woods. The valley is largely devoid of large trees, but many caves and holes have been formed (or dug out) by erosion, nature and creatures. This would be a great place for a goblin tribe, clutch of ogres or other creatures to dwell.

Mysterious Stones - near the southern part of this map are a set of old stones, now long forgotten and crawling with vines. Was it an old ritual site for foul deeds, or a hallowed fey site for celebrations? Perhaps tampering with them would be a good idea.

Overgrown Stone Circle - on the western edge of the map, along one of the trails, is an overgrown stone circle. There are very few designs and it seems nondescript. Could it simply be a work of art from a previous time? Or perhaps the cover to a dungeon below? I suggest opening it, despite any warnings that appear on its face in glowing letters.

Bone-filled Nests - perched atop the southern stones of the dry lake bed are a couple of very large nests containing what appears to be a collection of bones. Squirrel bones? No, they seem bigger. Much bigger. Might be a humanoid skull or seven in there. Might need to keep a wary eye to the skies while walking about these parts.

If you have ideas for points of interest or themes of future sections of the forest, comment below, and I can try and weave it in!

Also, if you like this map and want to see more, consider joining us on Patreon @!

I hope it serves you well on your adventures!

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