Bronze Shrine | Dragon Lair [62 x 45]
Bronze Shrine | Dragon Lair [62 x 45]

Bronze Shrine [62 x 45]

This is my interpretation of the Bronze Shrine from Sleeping Dragon's Wake, which I've kept mostly true to the original. I've made some stylistic changes for the flooring and decor, as well as added a bit of furniture/clutter to create more of a sense of life/presence for the Scaly Eyes.

The Bronze Shrine is a Shrine to Bahamut and home to the Bronze Dragon, Lhammaruntosz.

If you weren't planning to run this for its intended adventure, it would make a great map for a Dragon's Lair, the location of a dragon-worshiping cult or the location of a relic of power guarded by a formidable opponent/creature.

I hope you enjoy it, and would love to hear your thoughts!

If you'd like high res versions, I have JPG for Roll20 (Free & Premium), WEBP, and VTT for Foundry available for download here:

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