Red Wyrm Village (Orcs) [40 x 40]
Village by Day

Village by Day

Village at Night

Village at Night

Red Wyrm Village (Orcs) [40 x 40]

Red Wyrm Village Map Pack [40 x 40]

Shoved against the base of a northern mountain, a small Orc village worships the power and wroth of a fiery red Wyrm. Seen only a handful of times, the Orcs erected a crude statue of the Wyrm before its massive cave and frequently leave it offerings of their bounty in tribute; food, treasures and the glory of the hunt.

The tribe is led by a powerful shaman, who resides in the northeastern structure, spending most of their time studying the signs of the smoking mountain and reading bones cast in the blood of a fresh kill to predict the near future and guide the tribal elders. A small stone altar atop a stone in the river serves for sacrifices they make to the Red Wyrm, and it is rumored if the Wyrm is pleased with their tribute, he may gift them with an appearance.

In times of war, they sometimes hunt long and hard to find a worthy sacrifice to call upon the aid of the Red Wyrm in their battles.

The village consists of several large and small homes, a pair of sheep pens, fishing boats, the cave entrance, the dragon head statue crafted of painted rocks, the river and surrounding forest and rock.

High upon the mountain, navigable by a foot trail found southeast of the village, a narrow strip leads toward a holy site the shaman uses for their own personal blessings and magics.

How do I involve my players?

The village could be home to one of the player's, the location of an ally (or enemy), the location of an important artifact or item the Orcs seized in their raids and now resides with them or (worse yet) within the Wyrm's cave. The Orcs may be able to provide aid to the party (allowing them to pass, providing them information or goods), if they are able to provide something they feel the Wyrm may desire.

Adventure Hooks

| The players have been hired by a human settlement to venture into the mountains, find and kill the Orc shaman, who has been responsible for many deaths of their loggers and/or scouts. The party may come to find that it is the humans who have been pressing into their lands, killing their people, and have to make a decision upon what to do.

| The players have been tasked with recovering someone known to have been recently captured by the Orcs. They don't know if they yet live, but the players can venture to the village and choose to solve the problem with stealth, combat or diplomacy (bartering for the person's life with some other good/service).

| The Red Wyrm has recently awoken and is hungry, prowling the countryside for food, and the Orcs have seen it as a sign of aggression. They have been attacking several nearby settlements and the party has been hired to defend those settlements and seek an end to the invasions -- and, potentially, to the Wyrm itself.

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