Battle Map | Drow Stronghold (Tanor'Thal Refuge of Skullport)
Battle Map | Drow Stronghold (Tanor'Thal Refuge of Skullport)

Welcome to Tanor'Thal Refuge, in Skullport!

This is my interpretation of the Tanor'Thal Refuge, a drow stronghold of the Tanor'Thal family located in the city of Skullport in Undermountain. The physical structure is actually located on the ceiling of the cavern and is in the shape of a massive spider.

The map can be used for a variety of purposes:

1. Used to flesh out the location of Skullport for modules like Dungeon of the Mad Mage or Hoard of the Dragon Queen.
2. Used as a Drow Noble Estate, located wherever you want. ;)
3. Used as part of your homebrew world or other Underdark adventures.

The Refuge features the following rooms:

1. Main Entry, with your choice of a lifelike statue of Lloth or an actual Giant Spider (as the Tanor'Thal employed many spiders to protect their home).
2. Two barracks for House soldiers.
3. Grand Library
4. Officer's Quarters flanking the beginning of the Grand Hall.
5. Grand Hall
6. Kitchen
7. Dining Hall
8. Map/Tactics Chamber
9. Summoning/Teleportation Chamber
10. 3 Noble Family Suites

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