Pirate Port on the Isle of Velkarta
Isle of Velkarta by Day

Isle of Velkarta by Day

Isle of Velkarta by Night

Isle of Velkarta by Night

Pirate Port on the Isle of Velkarta

Welcome to the Isle of Velkarta!

A hidden port, where lives a throng of cutthroats, thugs, swindlers, thieves, swashbucklers, merchants, cheats, pilferers, ruffians, dregs, drunks, lunks and…maybe your party!

Large vessels must dock on the southern tip of the island, under careful watch by the Pirate Lord’s cannons, where one can rent dock space to offload and store their booty with the Harbormaster and his brutish thugs.

Smaller vessels may navigate the narrow channels and find a place to repair at the smith and dry dock, or continue on to the northern market, where you can find accommodations, find buyers, information, food and entertainment.

While on the island, many crew members make their way to Gale’s End, a stranded ship now turned tavern and run by a cunning and wealthy pirate and his loyal crew.

Wary those that start trouble, however, as the soldiers of the Pirate King keep a careful eye over newcomers and his eyes and ears are everywhere, and he sits atop his ruined fort high upon an island hill to the northeast (Sir Not Appearing in this Map).

I hope this map can provide your party with many potential plot hooks:

Ø Someone on the island is rumored to know the location of a powerful artifact you seek!

Ø You must rescue the daughter of a nobleman that was stolen by an infamous pirate known to frequent this port.

Ø You have been captured by pirates and imprisoned, and must make your way free!

Ø Your party begins in this port town, approached by a young pirate captain that is looking to take on new crew and set sail on the high seas!

Ø Someone has stolen something precious to you, and you’ve tracked them down to this island and now must sniff them out from among this rotten lot.

Ø After saving the world, but becoming wanted men by the King, you need a place to lay low for a few weeks while you formulate a plan.

High-res versions will soon be available on Patreon – come join us and sail the seven seas of mapdom!

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