Slaver's Auction House & Sinister Lower Level [35 x 24]
Walled Compound of the Auction House

Walled Compound of the Auction House

Lower Level of the Auction House

Lower Level of the Auction House

Slaver's Auction House & Sinister Lower Level [35 x 24]

Slaver's Auction House & Compound [35 x 24]

This is a walled compound containing an Auction House and a more sinister lower level. Dealing in all manner of commodities, including people, this map can potentially serve as many things:

> A front for a thieves' guild.
> A gathering of cultists.
> A powerful and wealthy adversary within the city.
> The location of a captured/imprisoned relative, friend of person of interest.
> A location players must go to procure a necessary item that then presents a moral dilemma once they learn its true nature.


The first floor contains:

Auction Entryway - Once inside the walled compound, the front doors lead into the entryway of the auction house, where one immediately finds themselves nose to nose with an imposing statue of the very self-important owner.

Auction House Floor - The main floor of the Auction House is spacious and well-lit, with a raised platform toward one end, where the auctioneer shows off the items for sale and conducts the bidding from the bidding floor.

Auction House Packing Room - Just behind the main platform, tables strewn with boxes packed with straw and goods for sale are prepared for sale and travel to their new owners.

Auction House Back Room - Behind the packing room lay a small chamber with a stairwell leading into the basement and two doors, one leading northwest into the main storage chamber and one leading northeast into the owner's office and personal quarters.

Guard Rooms - Guard rooms with 6 beds apiece lay on the east and western wings of the Auction House.

Meeting Room - A private meeting room lay in the east wing, off the main Auction Floor, where VIPs and others can hold meetings with clients or gather to strategize on bids.

Moneycounter's Quarters - For this particular game, a goblin moneycounter's quarters were located in the southeastern section of the auction house.

Head Enforcer's Quarters - For this particular session, a half-orc enforcer's quarters were located in the southwestern section of the auction house.

Small Kitchen/Storage - Not a full kitchen, but an area with food and other storage for the 1st level folk of the Auction House is located in the western wing.

Stables - A stables is located in the southeastern corner of the compound.

Storage Shed - A storage shed is located in the northwestern corner of the compound.


The second floor contains:

Guard Chamber - Walking downstairs leaves you in a broad guard's chamber with a cell door to the west and a wooden door to the east, populated by weapon racks, guard table and some storage.

Group Holding Cell - Immediately to the west upon arriving downstairs is a holding cell, where slaves/prisoners can be held prior to selecting a cell or sale.

Guard Barracks - There are two additional guard barracks on the west and east side of the basement structure (8 beds each)

Torture Chamber - On the southwest side of the chamber, some of the more deviant members of the slavers use this room for their wicked pleasures or to extract information from prisoners.

Individual Cells - There are 7 individual cells on both the west and east side.

Storage Room - A large storage room for shipments, oil, ale and other goods lay on the southeast part of the basement.

Meeting & Viewing Chamber - Guests with particular tastes can find themselves invited to a special meeting with the owner/proprietor to view specific slaves (or prisoners) while they dine and speak of business.

Lower Office - A lower office housing some of the proprietor's prized possessions, wealth and some secrets lay deep within the basement.

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