Restored Redbrand Hideout | LMoP [32 x 20]
Restored Redbrand Hideout | LMoP [32 x 20]

Restored Redbrand Hideout | LMoP [32 x 20]

A frequent ask of many DMs (to me) has been to have a map for the Redbrand Hideout AFTER the party has completed that part of the adventure and cleared this area out.

How would I use a creepy old cellar?

| Have your players take up residence in the hideout, converting the areas to bedrooms, kitchens, storage, workshops and space for NPC labor.

| Have your players set the location up as a place of business, potentially creating or managing something on their behalf and generating income.

| Provide a temporary residence for your players until the much expensive and time-consuming job of restoring the Tresendar Manor can be completed.

Ask, and ye shall receive!

My efforts to restore the Redbrand Hideout to its glory days assume that someone (preferably the party) has taken up residence in the structure, and done some small amount of renovation/restoration to its grounds, including expanding a couple of rooms, building a wall and expanding the cavern/trench.

In my interpretation of this restored version of the map, I made a few changes:

1. Increase Trench Size -- I increased the size of the trench running through the cavern and added some carved stone steps to make it a working alchemy, herbalist and research area, utilizing some of the necromantic energies to aid in those endeavors, when appropriate.

2. Expanded Common Room - I expanded the common room to more easily represent a kitchen and larder in a place that it made the most sense.

3. Expanded Hallway - The previously trapped hallway has been slightly expanded into a small jail/prison and guard station, with some secret doors leading further into the compound.

4. Crypt to Shrine/Temple - I converted the crypt to a temple/shrine with several potential deities represented, so as to give the occupants more use of the space and room, but still maintaining some of the sarcophagi should your group have kept the main theme of the room.

5. Adjust Hallway - I adjusted the layout of Glassstaff's old room, adding a hallway that makes it easier to travel through the compound without walking through a private bedroom to do so.

I hope you guys enjoy it!

If you want a high res copy and more detailed write up with legend, you can grab one of Patreon ( If you like what you see, I'd love to have your support!

Let me know what you think. =)


[Made in Dungeondraft with some assets from Krager, Orcitect, Birdie, Gnome Factory, BMM, Skront,Miscellanea Maps, AoA and Morvold Press.]

Restored Redbrand Hideout is unofficial Fan Content permitted by the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. Copyright Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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