Greenest Keep | 4 Floors
Greenest Keep | 4 Floors

Greenest Keep | 4 Floors

This map is available on my Patreon (

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Tier 4 –

This is a supplemental map pack for the recently completed town of Greenest from Hoard of the Dragon Queen.

The map contains several additional floors for Greenest Keep. They're intended to layer over the existing map of Greenest, as PC's explore the various locations.

The Map Pack contains:

Greenest Keep [Lower Level] - this extended lower level of Greenest Keep contains grain storage, a buttery, servant's quarters, storage room, dungeon and guard officer's quarters. This level also contains a hidden tunnel leading out into the woods south of the keep.

Greenest Keep [2nd Level & Ramparts] - this extended tower level of Greenest Keep contains the castle ramparts, as well as the tower interior, including a large castle kitchen and formal dining area for the governor to entertain guests.

Greenest Keep [3rd Level] - this extended tower level of Greenest Keep contains the governor's office, private bedroom and a guest bedroom, along with two luxuries privies.

I hope you enjoy the additional levels and can use them to help craft some amazing stories!

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