House of the Wayward Soul [72 x 100]
House of the Wayward Soul [72 x 100]

Warlock Lair | House of the Wayward Soul | 2 Floors [72 x 100]

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Welcome to the House of the Wayward Soul, a school with a sinister secret.

On the surface, this House is a home for the troubled and lost, frequently taking in orphans, wanderers, homeless and runaway children. It is known to its neighbors as a halfway house and boarding school, often choked with children in uniforms following its robed teachers through the gated yard.

The sounds of chanting can often be heard, though most assume it is simply the repetition of scripture or the memorization of historical lessons. The children living in this house are rarely seen outside and, when they are, never without one of the teachers nearby to keep them in line.

Once descended into its lower level, however, the school assumes a different mantle, as dark stone and shadow greet your senses. The chanting sometimes heard above echoes off the walls from chambers within, while rough-looking guards move children about the hallways in various states of dress and health. Puddles of water linger on the cobblestone floors, and the flicker of lamplight beckons you deeper into its halls.

Here are some ways you could use the House of Wayward Souls:

1. Warlock Backstory - if you need a place from which a Warlock came, or how they were introduced to their Patron, this would be a great map for that. NPC teachers, class rivals and other peers from when they arrived could all be woven into the narrative.
2. Enemies from the Past - perhaps one of your players was drawn to this house in their past, but managed to escape their clutches before being sacrificed and are now hunted by its members for the knowledge that took away.
3. Rescue Mission - perhaps the child of a prominent official, noble or wealthy merchant was lured into the halls of this house and the party has been hired to investigate and rescue them before being assimilated.
4. BBEG Lair - the party may have tracked the movements of the BBEG to find that they operate out of this building. They will have to find a way below before discovering where and how that evil has been achieving its goals.

If you enjoy high-detail, immersive environments for your campaigns, consider joining us on Patreon and get over 200+ maps, tokens, artwork and writeups.

I hope you enjoy these maps and can make some fun stories!

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