Halfling Village of Brill [UPDATED] - [112 x 80]
Halfling Village of Brill [UPDATED] - [112 x 80]

Halfling Village of Brill [UPDATED] - 112 x 80


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Welcome to the [UPDATED] Halfling Village of Brill, located along the Willowik River and part of a larger farming community that works fields to the south and northeast.

This map was one of the first ones I'd ever done, and so I've updated it to meet all of the more modern conventions for lighting, shading, coloring and asset choices. This will not only make it mesh better with more recent maps, but, hopefully, give you and your players a much more immersive environment for your gameplay!

The Halflings of Brill are largely farmers, though a few of them hold other professions necessary to the community. The culture within Brill has much to do with land – how much you work, how much you own and what you produce. The size (and general appearance, upkeep and such) of one’s yard is a source of great pride, with many of the Halflings with the largest yards considered to be the wealthiest and most esteemed.

They’re also considered to be the most selfish, vain and proud of the bunch, as is to be expected.

In Brill, you will find 11 unique buildings, including the following:

The “Stout Pint” Brewery and Inn, located in the southern part of town, opposite a wide lawn and massage tree, beneath which sits a stage with seat for the entire village and neighboring farming families to come and enjoy festivals, celebrations and joyous events. Accommodations for horses and wagons are available along the southern road, while the Inn offers warmth, comfort and their famous “Red Apple Ale”.

The Smith, located in the southwest part of town, always willing and able to help shod a horse, repair farm equipment and provide the handful of hunters, soldiers and adventurers with an assortment of sharp blades and (mostly halfling-sized) armors.

Farming families, located in the northwest part of town, raising an assortment of chickens, sheep and keeping gardens when not working in the fields. Families of different sizes compete in the fields (and in town) for the best crops, best livestock and best products delivered in town, whether they be eggs, wool, meat, mushrooms, barley, wheat or other goods.

The Orchard, a large plot of land owned by a wealthy farmer who has turned his good fortune into a profitable business and the primary supplier of apples to the Brewery, as well as to the farming communities. Proud and haughty, this family is both envied and loathed for their position, wealth and good fortune in business.

The Woodworker, located in the eastern side of town, in a small house with a work area to ply his trade and provide the villagers with his much-needed services. Doors, plows, tables, chairs – there’s an endless supply of work for his skill.

The Hunter, located in the eastern side of town, in a small house, is known as a gruff and somewhat unkempt halfling about town, but a valued member of the community, especially when dangerous game find their way into the region. He’s been known to kill prey as large as a Dire Wolf, though he mostly hunts boar, wolves and smaller game for food.

The Herbalist/Alchemist, located on the eastern side of town, in a small house, is known as aloof and optimistic, always happy to help a friend and welcoming of kin and strangers alike. She spends much of her time tending her garden, mixing concoctions in her yard and studying in her home. Often asked to help with diseased crops or strange illnesses, she is one of the only people in town with proficiency with magical arts.

The Cattle Farmer, located in a home to the northeast, keeps a few milk cows near his home, but mostly tends a herd kept in pastures to the northeast. Often bringing in meat and milk to the community, he is also a wealthy member and often spars with the Orchard owners about which is more important.

The Mayor, located in the southeast part of town, holds one of the nicest plots of land, largest homes and, his prized possession, two horses – a rarity in this area. He often rides his white horse about town, chatting with the villagers and issuing orders to anyone within earshot. Self important and vain, the Mayor always likes to be recognized for his achievements and held in high esteem by the people.

If this is your first time seeing the map, I hope you enjoy it! If you had seen the original, then I hope you enjoy this updated version and that your players enjoy the new and improved look!

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