Green Dragon Caves | Lair [120 x 80]
Green Dragon Caves | Lair [120 x 80]

Green Dragon Caves | Lair [120 x 80]
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Intro Story
The scout knelt down amidst the dense foliage, partially obscured by the trunk of a massive tree as she swung her backpack off her shoulder quietly and opened the flap. Digging a hand into the pack, she quickly produced a rolled-up piece of parchment and unfurled it with slow and delicate movements.
This was it - the location indicated on the map. The stone plateau. The lake. The waterfall in the distance. It had to be.
This was the location indicated on the map. The stone plateau in the center of the water. The waterfall.
Replacing the map to her pack, the scout brought her fingers to pursed lips and mimicked the curious warble of a local songbird.
Shadows emerged from the trees behind her, drenched in thick cloaks over hard leather armor. The heavy wooden crossbows in their hands were fitted with barbed steel bolts and each of them wore a circular shield upon their back that bore the silhouette of black bird of prey.
The figures silently waded into the lake, sloshing gently as moved toward the rocky plateau in the center of the lake. There were fifteen of them, each of their faces covered in a low hood.
With a quick set of hand gestures, the group split to flank the plateau when something monstrous launched itself from atop the stony surface of the rock and swooped low over the lake. Three of the hunters loosed their bolts, which sailed harmlessly off target as the shadowy form disappeared above the tree line to the south.
As the hunters reloaded, the leader called out, "Be ready, she may be back at any moment and our aim must be true. If she gets too close, we're all done fo..."
The last words fearfully clambered back down his throat as the throaty growl of another creature sounded above him. Glancing slowly over his shoulder, his gaze met the yellow and black eyes of a scaly green dragon as it hissed like the steam engine of a massive ship.
The hunter began a shout, when a hot green mist flooded the lake as the dragon's swollen body heaved. The lead hunters voice cracked as his throat closed up. Wet gurgling sounds escaped his lips as trickles of blood began streaming from his eyes, nose and mouth. His hands grew slack and his crossbow fell into the lake with a splash moments before his body followed.
The scout watched in horror as seven of the hunters disappeared within the cloud, their guttural coughs and wet coughs lasting only a few moments before each one made their own splash in the water.
The dragon reared back and let a deafening roar escape its toothy maw, causing the scout to immediately place her hands to her ears. Tears came unbidden to her cheeks as waves of fear swept over her. She dropped to her knees and began rocking back and forth, sobbing as she stared out over the lake.
None of them would be leaving this place.
Welcome to the Green Dragon Caves!
This battle map features a large forest setting with a stony cliff, waterfall and stone plateau nestled in the center of a large lake. Behind the massive waterfall sit two caves serving as a lair for a pair of dragon siblings that have been hunting this region for the last several years.
As with most of their kind, the Green Dragons are cunning, hiding their lairs, using the waterfall to cover their entrances and exits and drawing prey to their doorstep by leaving wounded animals atop the plateau. Other creatures come to investigate the sounds of potential prey, only to become prey themselves.
The area surrounding the lake is comprised of dense forest and hills, with thorny bushes, crimson mushrooms and confusing trails. The vegetation is thick, making anything but the twisty trails between them difficult terrain, and the thorns have a chance to catch clothing and even scrape the flesh.
There are several mechanics you could potentially use:
1. The dense bushes and thorns are difficult terrain and may harm anyone moving through them at full walking speed.
2. The mist/spray from the waterfall may provide some type of cover/concealment for anyone lingering inside its range.
3. Two dragons may give you the opportunity to have one Dragon emerge and draw the attention of the party away, as the second silently moves into place to strike.
4. The surrounding water will present movement challenges, being difficult terrain in the shallows and requiring some swimming to reach the plateau.
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