Temple of the Draconian Seer [100 x 100]
Temple of the Draconian Seer [100 x 100]

Temple of the Draconian Seer | Living Dungeon [100 x 100]
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Intro Story
The elder mage walked with a slight limp, the dragon carved scones casting long shadows upon the smooth stone walls of the temple hall.
As he turned the corner, he glanced back toward the small group of adventurers following close behind. They had come to meet with the Seer, and had waited nearly a week before an opportunity arose. It was not uncommon. The Seer was extremely busy, tasked with objectives their minds couldn't possibly fathom.
They had come to ask about the location of some trivial object -- a black gem. It was rumored to even be on this Plane. The elder mage scoffed. May as well have come to ask about the location of a mountain on the horizon.
As he shuffled along, one of the members of the party, a cheerful, red-haired halfling woman piped up, "We sure did appreciate the Seer seeing us as he did. He seemed angry. We hope we didn't...do anything wrong."
The elder mage slowed and turned, his beady black eyes shifting toward the woman before replying, "No, he wasn't angry -- merely concerned with the many tasks laid before him." The mage placed a scaled claw upon the halflings leather pauldron reassuringly, "He's always like that."
Passing through a large stone doorway, the elder mage padded south through a spacious entryway holding the formidable statue of a soldier, sword at the ready and a finger thrust southward toward an unseen enemy. Firelight danced from the glowing heart of potted fireblooms in each corner, a luminous flower discovered on a distant world.
Drawing up before the southern doorway, the elder mage turned and managed a fanged smile toward the small group. "This is where we will part ways, travelers. I hope that the Seer was able to give you that which you sought, and pray further..."
The mage's words were interrupted by a powerful tremor that shook the room, trails of dust falling from the ceiling overhead.
An older knight in the group glanced upward sharply, "What was that?"
The elder mage pursed his lips to answer, when a heavy stone door slid down to block the southern passage with a heavy thud.
Another traveler, an elf in long white robes wearing the golden medallion of Aelor squinted toward the door, then back toward the mage, "What is the meaning of this? Is this meant to lock us in?"
The elder mage's face darkened, as another tremor shook the chamber. It was louder and stronger than before. Drawing in a slow breath, the mage shook his head and turned toward the elven priest, "No, it is meant to keep something from getting out."
The meek voice of a human bard piped up from the back of the group, "To keep...what, exactly, from getting out?"
The mage whispered a word of magic and the tip of its black obsidian staff suddenly burst into a bright orange flame. Turning toward the party, he offered, "Something not of this world. I'm afraid your stay has been extended and, if you wish to survive, I would advise you stick close to me and at the ready."
As the mage turned back toward the stone hallway from which they came, the bard queried, "Ready for what?"
Pausing near the northern doorway, his scaled features glinting in the light of his staff, the mage answered, "Anything."
The Temple of the Draconian Seer is a Living Dungeon, meant to be used for a multitude of purposes, including as the backdrop of a combination of social and combat encounters within a living, breathing environment.
The temple is dedicated to the deity known as the World Dragon, ruler of the Planes and devourer of knowledge. Its members pursue the study and use of portals – primarily teleportation between worlds, planes and, sometimes, realities. It is extremely complex and dangerous, as the destinations to which the followers travel can often hold beings of immense power, hostile environments and catastrophic consequences with the most casual of misstep.
It is also extremely profitable. Travel to other planes and worlds affords the temple with access to arcane secrets, secret alliances and ancient artifacts. Servants of the World Dragon dedicate themselves to the exploration, study and hoarding of these secrets, to be used at a time of their choosing to forward the goals of their deity.
The temple hosts both arcane priests and arcane warriors trained to deal with the many dangers of exploring distant worlds and adopting planar travel. Its chambers are filled with tomes, books, artifacts and scrolls detailing the knowledge they have accumulated, as well as tools to assist in their endeavors.

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