Cliffside Mage College | Battle Map
Mage College by Day

Mage College by Day

Mage College by Night

Mage College by Night

Cliffside Mage College | Battle Map

Battle Map | Cliffside Mage College [35 x 33]

Perched high atop the cliffs, overlooking a vast ocean, a sect of mages spend their many hours pouring over tomes and learning from the masters. Focused on the power of water, they plumb the depths of magical knowledge for ways to draw upon its power.

But do they delve too deep?

The mages here have established a strong connection to the plane of water, and maintain some form of link (source of the waterfall), as water surges through a portal into our world. The college features accommodations, as well as classrooms for learning and practicing particular craft (learning to view distant places through the surface of water, learning to manipulate the direction and flow of water, learning to transform water from liquid to solid (ice), and learning to summon and gate entities from the elemental plane of water.)

Many of these practices hold an inherent danger of swimming too deep into that knowledge and bringing forth something terrible into this world. More so, the mages themselves stand risk to lose themselves within their study and lose touch with the world upon which they live.

This Mage College can be used for a variety of potential plot hooks and scenarios. It may house the knowledge (or people) your players seek to further their goals, or it may contain a powerful adversary and a cult of like-minded followers.

What secrets would YOUR players find lurking here?

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