Battle Map | Temple of Light
Temple of Light - Day

Temple of Light - Day

Temple of Light - Night

Temple of Light - Night

Battle Map | Temple of Light

This battle map presents a grand Temple devoted to a Goddess/God of Light (or other relevant domain) and features a sprawling layout with two primary wings; the more academic-oriented clerics/priests on the west side and the more militant knights/paladins on the east side. Each group has living quarters, officer/teacher quarters and a variety of chambers dedicated to their various studies, works and tasks.

The primary chamber of worship contains a large statue of the deity and 5 colored stained glass windows behind them, which could be used to communicate with mortals, show emotion during prayer, flash when the deity is communing, or perhaps react in cryptic ways the players need to decipher to understand.

Lastly -- how successful is an adventuring party without a reliable temple to beg and scrape to remove their curses, stat damage, remove afflictions and just plain old resurrect Bob after he didn't believe you when you told him "you can't just hide from the Disintegration Eye stalk -- you gotta keep movin'..."?

Less successful. The answer is less successful.

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