Curse of Strahd | Church of St. Andral & Western Vallaki Village
Curse of Strahd | Church of St. Andral & Western Vallaki Village

Curse of Strahd | Church of St. Andral & Vallaki Village


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This is my interpretation of the western gates of Vallaki Village and the Church of Saint Andral from the adventure module, Curse of Strahd.

There is no included map for this version of the church, and the detailed village and graveyard provides plenty of space for holding attacks within town, as well as social encounters. I've also detailed a stables and wagon repair yard, while the others remain simple rooftops.

This version is meant to be depicting the evening, with a brighter and more "sunny" (if such a thing exists in Barovia) feeling village, as per the described flavor of the location. In evening, the colors become more muted, fog rolls in from the neighboring wood and darkness tightens about the village like a suffocating glove.

Several of the details are meant to reinforce a general feeling that Vallaki is bright and well up front, but unwell behind the scenes.

Future maps will continue through the village, including several of the other key locations within the village, as well as others not included in the module, to provide an entire village through which the characters can move.

If you'd like to support this effort, come join us on Patreon and help drive decisions for fleshing out these and other maps!

I hope you enjoy it!

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