Battlemap Assets | Dinosaur Siege Mounts (Part 2)
Battlemap Assets | Dinosaur Siege Mounts (Part 2)

Dino Siege Mounts | Part 2


This map is available on my Patreon (

PATRONS - get your download links for the map by clicking on the URL for your Tier (1, 2, 3, 4) below:

Tier 1 –

Tier 2 –

Tier 3 –

Tier 4 –


After the release of the initial Dino Siege Mounts, I had several requests for additional dinosaurs people wanted to see represented, so I am very happy to present - Dino Siege Mounts 2!

For folks playing in Chult or some of the grasslands in the Sword Coast, I know they like to have some dinosaur encounters and I had some folks interested in playing out some tribal wars who had captured, tamed and use Dinosaurs as mounts to fight against their enemies.
This series includes an Ankylosaurus, Velociraptor, Parasaurolophus, Archaeopteryx and Spinosaurus, where each of them has some type of saddle, mobile platform, baskets and bone spikes protecting them from unwanted boarding parties or perhaps a pesky flying creature.

Assets for the mounts, as well as the base dinosaurs (art by John Ric Detoon) available on Patreon- come join us!

I hope you enjoy them!

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