Heavy Transport Wagon | Heists, Mobile HQ, Escort Mission
Heavy Transport Wagon | Heists, Mobile HQ, Escort Mission

Heavy Transport Wagon | Heists, Mobile HQ, Escort Quests


This map is available on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/morvoldpress).

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Tier 1 – https://www.patreon.com/posts/88215496?pr=true
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"Red Fox to Gray Squirrel, Hark, Gray Squirrel, I prithee be advised, the constabulary hath positioned themselves about yon bend, and they do bear a disposition fouler than a rain-drenched badger."

For the medieval trucker in you, I am happy to present the Heavy Transport Wagon vehicle, a massive three-level wagon that serves as a heavy transport of the medieval wagon world. Each wagon floor is designed to work on about a 4 x 8 grid, though you could certainly choose to grid it larger for ease of movement once someone boards and/or there is combat.

The wagon has the following floors:

1st Floor - The first floor is entered through a pair of double doors on the back, leading into a large open chamber filled with a pair of weapon racks, empty chests, a long bench and a pair of tables holding bows and quivers of arrows. A staircase stands in the northwest corner, leading up to the second level, while a pair of double doors lead south into the secure hold.

The secure cargo hold is where valuable goods are stored en route to their final destination, locked behind a heavy door with an intricate locking mechanism. A ladder also stands against the eastern wall, leading to the upper levels.

2nd Floor - The second floor serves as the sleeping and gathering quarters of the mercenaries and/or guards escorting the wagon, with 3 sets of bunk beds, a table, stove, small kitchen and some basic storage. A small hallway leads south to a privy, while a door opens west into the private quarters of the wagon leader.

3rd Floor - The third floor is really part of the wagon's rooftop, containing an open area with a pair of benches, a large ballista, barrels of water and the pilot's perch. A ladder leads down toward the previous three floors, while a rooftop spans overhead, providing a small space for viewing and potentially firing arrows.

How can I use this vehicle/map?

Adventure Origin - Perhaps you can begin your next adventure by everything having agreed to crew this wagon to its destination, protecting its precious cargo from one city to the next, while simultaneously giving your PC's time to get to know one another and have some structured fun.

Escort Mission - A wealthy noble or merchant has hired the wagon to take their valuables to another location, and the wagon owner has hired the party to help look after the goods while traveling through the Kingdom or, perhaps, some dangerous lands.

Wagon Heist - It comes to be known that an artifact and/or item of note that is sought by the party (or their employer) is being transported soon, and the party needs to return with the item by any means necessary. Sneak on board? Send someone to infiltrate the guard crew? Bribe one of the guards? We'll see!

Transparent PNG Tiles/Tokens available now on Patreon, along with 200+ maps, vehicles, portraits and tokens.

I hope you enjoy it!

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