Wilted Rose Estate [40 x 30]
Wilted Rose Estate [40 x 30]

Wilted Rose Estate Map Pack [40 x 30]

A pestilence had reached the city years ago, claiming the lives of the rich and poor alike. It started in the shallows and slowly made its way into the markets. From there, it traveled everywhere and touched everyone. Doors were boarded up, homes burnt to the ground, bodies carted out of the city in droves.

Lady Wingret saw her husband wilt and blacken over the days, pock marks covering his skin and blood welling in his throat. After his death, she withdrew to the lower level of her estate to research a cure. Using their knowledge of herbal remedies, she began to develop potential solutions, but they were dangerous. She needed test subjects.

It began with animals, but soon she needed something different. She needed someone. Then more someones. She paid for volunteers, but when the volunteers ran out, she hired dark men to do dark deeds and bring the subjects she needed to the estate.

Word has spread through what's left of the city of people going missing at night. Men lurking about alleyways, watching the pubs and taverns, scouring the roads.

Some of the people are willing to speak of what they saw. Some are willing to pay to see their loved one returned.


The main level of the estate has fallen into disrepair since the Lady of the manor became a widow and shuttered herself in the basement to find a cure for the plague tearing through the community.

The estate is now manned by a gang of thugs and mercenaries in the Lady's employ, who enjoy run of the estate in return for bringing fresh subjects for her research.


We descended the stair in the murky basement, the sound of soft wailing and cries of pain echoing off the cold stone. Shadows flitted along the hallways as men moved about, opening cell doors, hauling limp bodies. The smell of death hang heavy on the air, moist and wet. Tiny vines crawled along the cracks in the floor, and blood-red flowers bloomed atop dark puddles.

One thing was certain; as bad as things had gotten upstairs - this was worse.

Much worse.


The lower level of the Wilted Rose Estate features several chambers to be used in theme with the upper estate. The southeastern section of the lower level is dedicated to the imprisonment and testing of potential cures to a deadly disease. Several cells line the periphery, while a barracks, captain's chambers, storage room, processing room and testing chamber remain behind lock and key.

North of the prisoner area are [2] nobles quarters of the Lady and late Lord Wingret, as well as their son and daughter.

The southwestern portion of the estate contains privies and bath for the nobility, and a shrine dedicated to the Goddess of Agriculture, though it has since gone untended and been abandoned for another source of curing the plague.

In the northwestern chamber, the Lady Wingret has researched and opened a gate to the Feywild in hopes of finding herbal remedies not available in her part of the world. While her intentions are good, and nothing harmful has yet crossed, it's only a matter of time before something does.

The party must make a moral decision, as the Lady Wingret desperately wants to solve the plague, and is close to making that discovery. Given some time with her subjects, she could potentially save thousands, however, she is abducting and murdering no small amount of people as part of her fevered research.

And the gate must be closed.

Decisions, decisions.


These maps could serve as the ending point toward any kind of disease/plague/pestilence type quest(s) you have going on in your homebrew, setting the stage for both social and combat encounters, as the party must track the missing bodies to the estate and then determine how best to enter, explore and confront Lady Wingret.


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