Green Dragon Lair from SDW [140 x 70]
Green Dragon Lair from SDW [140 x 70]

Green Dragon Lair [140 x 70]


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The woods were still.

In the distance, a skeleton trudged forward, its vacant stare fixed upon a large rock face to the west. Bits of withered flesh still clung to its bones, as did the tattered remains of the leather armor it wore in a past life.

The lifeless creature pushed through the branches of a nearby bush, sharp sticks scraping across the metal face the shield dangling from its right arm.

As it closed on the cliff ahead, something moved underfoot.

Glancing downward, the skeleton raised its rusty blade only to find a coil of thick vines peeking out from a nearby plant. Turning its attention back toward the cliff, it began to move when the coil unraveled and slid about the undead creature's ankle.

Blank eye sockets peered downward once again, the blade slicing cleanly through the vine with a downward stroke. Another vine dipped from a tree branch overhead, ensnaring the hand wielding the blade.

The skeleton pulled against the strength of the vine, as another tendril snaked out from the grass to slither about its thigh. In a matter of moments, more vines wormed their way along the skeleton's form, twisting and constricting like a scaleless snake.

For a moment, the collection of vines twisted and tightened, a leathery sound followed by the crack and splinter of bone. With a violent shudder, the vines released their grip and the shattered bones of the skeleton fell to the earth, still.

From up ahead, a soft rumble echoed from the mouth of a cave and a canopy of hanging vines fluttered as if disturbed by wind.

The woods were still.


Very excited about this one!

This is my interpretation of Claugiylimatar's Lair from Sleeping Dragon's Wake, and includes an expanded forest east of the cliff face and cave system to provide more space for encounters outside or en route to the location.

I loved the natural feel of this one, with all of the vines, life and greenery coupled with the lifeless stone and caves. Even if you aren't running SDW as a module, this would be a great location for a variety of homebrew encounters, lairs or locations the party could visit.

If you enjoy these kind of maps and want to support more, as well as get access to over 140+ maps, tokens, portraits and a community of DM's, come join us on Patreon!

I hope you can use it for a lot of fun adventures!


[Made in Dungeondraft with some assets from Gnome Factory, Birdie, Orcitect, AoA, Krager, BMM, Miscellanea Maps, and Morvold Press.]

Green Dragon Lair is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. Copyright Wizards of the Coast.

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