Old Elven Village [45 x 65]
Old Elven Village [45 x 65]

Old Elven Village [45 x 65]

At once, the forest gave way to reveal the gnarled roots of an ancient tree, woven into the semblance of a gate. Beyond the gate, an open stretch of mossy earth traveled beneath the canopy of several trees stretching hundreds of feet toward the sky overhead. Intricately-carved doors stood upon several of the trees, marked with fey symbols and surrounded by vines, leaves and colorful mushrooms.

The roots traveled in every direction, forming pathways that led between the trees and navigated the forest floor. Its mossy pathways were littered with tiny stones and the worn track of many feet, while piles of golden leaves gathered in the nooks and bends of each path. The wonder and splendor of the forest was in full display, as wispy white seeds trailed lazily through the air and a myriad of twinkling lights signaled the passing of several tiny sprites.

A melodious voice called out from ahead, breaking the trance like ripples on a still pond, "Greetings, traveler. What brings you to this place?"


This map is of a secluded village in the deep woods, home to fey creatures, elves or whatever your campaign may require. It could be used as an elven PC's village, a starting village for an elven-based campaign, a quest destination or social encounter or even the home of a people that stand culturally opposed to the rest of the world.

My Patrons had asked for a forest-themed dungeon, which I will be creating based off this village, but I wanted to design the intact village first to ensure that the resulting dungeon felt rooted in a real place, and had remnants of a real society.

The village contains:

Main Entryway

[13] Tree Homes

Tree of Knowledge & Library

Mushroom Den for Fairies/Sprites

Cave Entrance at the River Mouth

Outdoor Eating/Gathering Yard

Tree of Travel (Orange/Gold)

The Deep Pool

Pens for Animal Friends

Massive Shrine to Goddess of the Hunt

Circle of Magic Stones

[5] Mushroom Homes outside the Shrine

If you'd like to get access to this map, and all others, come join us on https://www.patreon.com/morvoldpress.

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